Friday, February 6, 2009

Norah News: Milka Milka!

There has been lots going on with me this past week, but much of it is not appropriate to post about on a blog where anyone can see! Suffice to say, it didn't really have me in the writing mood! Alls well that ends well, and I think this one has!

In other news, our Norah, in addition to mastering the art of temper tantruming, has hit another, more admirable milestone - she's done with bottles! (I think!) While it kind of happened accidentally, it was something I had planned in the coming weeks as she neared her first birthday.

For the past number of months, Norah has been waking up between 5:00 and 6:00 am for a bottle, and then heading back to sleep until 7:00 or 7:30. This worked well for us. Matt often got to see her before he headed off to work, and I was almost guaranteed a peaceful shower. Well, progress comes at a price. More on that in a moment.

The other morning she slept right through what would be her morning bottle, so I took the opportunity to head straight to breakfast. No ill effects were apparent, so I thought to myself, alright, let's see how tomorrow goes. In a totally unrelated event, she was out of formula at daycare that same day. Before you think I'm delinquent, I had planned for that to be her last tin of the stinky, pricey stuff, figuring the daytime bottles would be easy to skip.

So, upon getting this piece of (good?) news when I picked her up, I recognized an opportunity, and didn't offer her a bottle at bedtime either. We were expecting a rough night, but I am very happy to report that while I did hear her stir around 4:00, she wasn't ready to get up until 6:00!

Two days later, no formula, no bottles, and 2 decent nights sleep - though she's messed with the schedule and my showers were not the relaxed start to my day that I prefer, but I suppose that is the price of progress!

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