Monday, April 15, 2013

Roddie report: you ought to be on pictures

If you happen to pick up a brochure for our daycare guess who you will see, hamming it up for the camera...

Friday, April 12, 2013

Norah News: The Big Show

So the night of the big show arrived, and we're all a little on edge... lots going on at work, and at home.  Matt was a little short fused and I thought the show might not actually go on after all when he went to the basement.  But alas, he came up in full regalia and the show began.  
Roddie got into the swing of things with his hat and boots

Matt in full costume

Norah and Roddie doing a number together

Norah, in costume, concentrating

A dance with her Dad

Strutting her stuff

Deep in concentration

Norah News: The Big Show - Rehersal

I'm a couple of weeks late in getting this posted, but it was a pretty fun couple of days.  Norah has always been a bit of a performer and really enjoys putting on shows for us from time to time.  In this series of fotos, she was rehersing mid week for the big show, scheduled for that coming weekend.

Foto Finish Friday: 2013 Week 14

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Norah News: Tooth, What Tooth?

Norah has had a wiggly tooth the past few days, so we've been anxiously awaiting the tooth fairy's first visit.   I was traveling for business again this week, and when I called home while sprinting through O'Hare airport on Tuesday night, I called home to say good night to the kids.  It was warm out in MA, so they were outside  eating hotdogs for dinner.  I asked if Norah had lost her tooth yet, and it was only then that Matt and Norah realized it had happened!  Apparently it was there when they left school, but not any more!  Well, they never did find the tooth, but when I landed look at what was waiting for me on my phone

Ketchup, runny nose and no tooth!  I love it!

I called Matt later that night for a tooth fairy consult, just to be sure he wasn't planning to leave her a 20 dollar bill or something like that.  I needn't have worried, as he had already found a 50cent coin to leave for her.  Norah was thrilled with her special coin and I am happy to share the tooth fair duties!

Friday, April 5, 2013

Cousin Chaos 2013- the Easter Edition

We had a great trip to Matt's parents house for Easter.  As usual, the extended family came over on Saturday evening for the egg hunt and dinner.  All the other usual highlights were there too, painting the eggs, prepping for the dinner, though I didn't take many pictures this year.  The kids are getting a little older and I must admit, the chaos was a little more controlled this year than others - could be the time they spent outside after dinner running off steam sugar.  It's a big change from the first Easter I spent with them, 8 years ago.  I was doing "too good" a job of hiding eggs for the then very young grandkids.  This year, I was hard pressed to find adequate hiding spaces in the same outdoor space now that all the cousins are getting taller and smarter!

I think Norah had the most fun of all the cousins.  There are 4 of them within a year in age, 3 are girls and they really have a lot of fun together, including trying to keep up with the big kids.  Norah was absolutely shining she was so happy (and I"m not just talking about her dress either!) 

Roddie had the whole egg thing figured out this year - go Rod!

My two favorite egg-hunters

Most of the paternal cousins - Olivia, Abigail, Norah, Katelyn, Ella, Adam, Roddie, Brian, Morgan, Bryce, Chad, and Shannon (with baby bump expected in May!)

Norah News: Maybe I'm starting to Get It

Norah and I sometimes but heads, a phenomenon I understand is common to mothers and daughters.   It frustrates me because as much as Norah is like me in so many ways, I often feel like I just can't figure out what makes her tick!

Well tonight, I got a little glimpse that I won't soon forget.

At bed time, I tucked Roddie in and then went over to her bed to tuck her in.  As usual lately, she ducked my attempt to give her a hug and a kiss.  Then, again as usual, I said "I love you, but don't stay up too late reading"  For some reason, after I said that, I peeked behind her book and whispered to her "enjoy your book"  She looked me in the eye and gave me a smile that I can only describe as 'connected'.  I don't know if it was the whispering, the fact that she's actually starting to read some words in the books she loves so much or the simple fact that I recognized what she was doing, separate from her brother.

Come to think of it, maybe she's more like me than I realize... I've always loved to read.  I was a kid who would take the maximum number of books (5) from the library each and every Friday before dance class.  Mom or Dad would always drop Susan and I off at the library, where she (who was never much of a reader until she was an adult) would patiently - or not, wait for me to make my selections before we walked over to our dance class.

Maybe there's a hint in there for me... :)

Foto Finish Friday: 2013 Week 13 BONUS

Tonight's Foto Friday pics were actually taken today - this evening in fact.  It's been a busy week and I was happy to have some low-key time with the kids this evening.  Matt is working on finalizing the house drawings for a contractor meeting tomorrow, so it's just me and the kids tonight.  It's been a long winter, and March did us no favors, weather wise.  Today when I picked the kids up, the temps were approaching 60, so we decided to play outside.  Roddie immediately asked for his hockey sticks and we were off!

Nearly 2 hours later, it was getting dark and I had to order them inside.  They were having so much fun, playing hockey, scooters and basketball, blowing bubbles, chasing Smoke, the neighbor's cat and they even insisted on eating their dinner outside.  I love that they like being outside so much and I was so impressed with how well they were playing together.  I mostly hung in the background and enjoyed the show :)

Warm baths and extra snuggly stories wrapped up our night!

Foto Finish Friday: 2013 Week 13