Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Drama Queen

Norah's been a bit of a handful the past couple of days, and it's lead me to reflect on her dramatic tendencies. From an early age, she had a cry that was cleary pure exasperation with the world around her and totally unrelated to any of her basic needs being met.

These days, the drama is a little more, shall we say, obvious. At times it makes me want to crack up, like when she isn't getting her way and she grabs the bridge of her nose with her fingers - you know, like you might see some stressed out executive do? Only it's not over earnings reports or delivery schedules - more like not being allowed to swap her milk into her Elmo cup. Yesterday morning she was having a meltdown about which shoes to wear, and actually left the room we were in, went into a corner in the living room, threw herself to the floor and assumed the 'turtle' position while she cried herself into exhaustion.

She clearly likes to throw a performance, something which I am certain will lead to some trying times in the years to come. Over Christmas, we had the opprtunity to have our family pictures taken by Scott McIntyre, who also did our wedding photos. When he was done, with the family shoot, he asked if we wanted some pictures of Norah.

To say that she worked the camera is an understatment! She stood exactly where Scott asked her to, and seemed to have a blast smiling for the camera. We thouroughly enjoyed watching her 'perform' and even more so, the results! You can see a slideshow of our shoot here.

Enjoy our drama queen, we do!

1 comment:

  1. She is such a ham! What a cutie pie she is, and she did indeed work the camera :) The photos came out beautifully. You have such a gorgeous family.
