Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Happy Birthday to ME!

You may know that I celebrated a birthday this week. It’s not one of the big milestone birthdays, but it’s close… like in a “…and holding” kind of way! Anyway, I don’t remember much about my last “… and holding” birthday, 10 years ago, but I do remember very clearly the milestone birthday that followed. I hadn’t been in the Boston area more than a couple of years, but I had moved, changed jobs and started a Masters program in that short time. I was working at a start-up, and generally still trying to find my groove here in the US. I remember clearly going out to lunch with some of the founders of that start-up, one of whom has remained a dear friend and mentor over these years. I commented, at that time, that I had no idea what I was doing or wanted with my life.

9 years later, I’m still not sure I know what else I want, but I do know that I am pretty thankful for what I have! In 2002 I wasn’t sure if I wanted children or not – today, I can tell you I could not imagine life without them. In 2002 I hadn’t quite met anyone like Matt – not even close in fact. I am resisting the urge to enumerate the (bad) first dates, funny second dates and ultimate demises of relationships that led me to him – suffice to say there were a lot of good stories over the years, and all that really matters is the end result.

Aside from Matt and the kids and the suburban mom elements of my life, the biggest thing that is different is my friends – Moving to Boston was very hard socially, and it took a few years before I found my ‘peeps. A couple of these friends are going through some rough times, one fighting for his life, and I am reminded to stop looking for what else I want from life and stop and enjoy the wonderful things I have right now. This, friends, is the most special birthday gift of all.

And after you’re done enjoying, send some prayers, or warm fuzzies or whatever you’re comfortable with calling them, out for the folks in your life and mind who need ‘em.

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