Monday, December 12, 2011

Norah News: Big Girl Photo Update

As I was getting the Christmas card together for this year, I realized I didn't have a lot of really good pictures of Norah from the past few months.  I guess I've been so concentrated on ensuring I don't forget to document Roddie's development that I've been a little slack on taking pictures of Norah.  In addition, she's taken to making funny faces and sticking out her tongue when I try to take a picture!  Anyway, turns out I got a few really nice ones over the past week or two and I thought I should take the opportunity to update the blog about what Norah has been up to!

She is developing into a really interesting young lady.  She's very articulate and observant, often noticing things that I don't - commonalities between words, places, people for instance.  She still loves her little brother, but they're developing something closer to a peer relationship - a sibling relationship I guess you'd call it - whereby they both love and antagonize each other.  She also tends to mother him from time to time, which can be disconcerting as I hear my own voice coming from her!

At school, she's doing well in preschool, and knows and can write all her letters and can count up to 21.  She knows all the sounds of her letters as has great fun sounding out words - or at least their leading sounds - at every opportunity.  She still loves to read, and we all look forward to her story time each night before bed.  She started dance class in September and is LOVING it, and looking forward to her recital this upcoming weekend. 

She's making her own friendships now, and clearly prefers the company of some kids over others, though is still inclusive for the most part.  It's really interesting to hear her talking with her friends (or herself) for that matter as her intellect evolves. 

One of the most interesting things about Norah at this stage is her imagination.  She has a way of pretending that any available toy fits into whatever game she wants to play.  She draws all kinds of interesting things and makes up stories (and words)

Trying out the Xmas Headgear

Ready to head to Jack's Birthday Party

Ready to head to the Nutcracker

Ready to decorate the Xmas tree

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