Thursday, October 30, 2008

Booger Womom and Monkey Girl

You can infer from the title of the post what kind of morning we had today... let's just say it was one of Norah's clingy mornings, she has a cold, and everything I was wearing is now covered in her snot!

So, I was thinking, maybe I could come up with a comic book, or maybe a TV series, based on the antics of Booger Womom and Monkey Girl... kind of like Batman and Robin, but in this story Booger Womom gets her superpowers from Monkey Girls snots - the more snots the more powers. Monkey Girls powers, would of course be producing the magic snot, but she'll also have super powers of her own... she'll be able to scamper up tall buildings and average mommies, in a wiggly wriggly way that makes her impossible to catch! Of course, she'll also have the power to charm the pants off of people! (figuratively, not literally, get your minds out of the gutter people!!!)

But wait, Norah already has 2/3 of Monkey Girl's powers, so maybe that means that I am going to have some awesome super powers as soon as this magic snot kicks in.

Gotta go, I need to be ready to fight some crime! Or at least a cold.

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