Saturday, October 18, 2008

Norah News: Play Date!

Norah and I had our first real play date this morning... we met up with Quentin, one of her buddies from "school' for a walk in the woods. It was a clear and brisk morning (35 deg when I left the house) so Norah had to dress warmly... what to wear, what to wear... luckily her Nanny had bought her this Cape Breton tartan fleece number that was just the ticket.

Now, I think most of you reading this know that Quentin is a slightly older man, but did you know he was ready to start driving.... check this out! Q-man is all boy, and likes to make vroom vroom noises and growl like a lion! So cute! He and Norah seemed to hit it off at daycare, and he always toddles over to say hello when I drop her off in the morning... sometimes he even offers to share his cheerios with me! It's funny how kids that young can make buddies. Norah has recently become mobile and has been nicknamed "Norah the Explorer"... for those adventures she has a partner in crime named Cassandra.

Anyway, Quentin's Mom and I took the two of them out for a walk in the woods in our local conservation area. It was a beautiful day, and there were lots of other folks out for a walk too... even at 9:30 on a Saturday morning. Norah and Quentin both slept through part of the walk, but we had a nice time nonetheless. Here's a picture of the two of them post walk.

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