Thursday, September 10, 2009

Mourning is Normal

I guess I'm not alone when I cry when Norah reaches some new milestones (like moving to the toddler room, or going to Jack's house on her own) It's back to school time, and facebook status updates from friends far and wide clearly demonstrate the mixture of emotions we Moms feel.

We were in Pennsylvania this weekend, and we attended mass with Matt's parents. Father Simi gave a great back-to-school sermon that basically said that sometimes, especially when it comes to kids, you have to do what's hard, because it's better. Giving birth was hard (boy, was it!) and it was TOTALLY worth it! I'm guessing that mama birds, who push their baby birds out of the nest (literally) find that hard, but they know it's best for the baby bird. As humans, I guess we're lucky - we have the opportunity to take things slower, in smaller steps - one day she sits up by herself, and before you know it, she's heading next door to play! My suspciion is that I'll blink and she'll be asking for the car keys so she can drive it, not just blow the horn...

I'll be happy and proud when she learns to drive, and ride a bike, and cross the street, and a million other milestones - but a little sad too, for me. Already I look at here and wonder when she became a little girl, and no longer a baby. I love this stage as I loved the last, so I guess that's why I mourn it's passing, and will continue to mourn the passing of future stages, just like all the other Moms.

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