Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Testing, Testing

I can’t believe how naive we were a year ago… we thought Norah’s ‘tantrums’, which started around 11 months, were all there was to the terrible twos, and we were just getting an early look at what was in store. She’s always had her own ideas about things, and has never been shy about expressing them, but we’ve definitely seen some more assertiveness in the past month or so, as she tries to figure out two to control her little world. We know we’re not supposed to be her friends, we’re her parents, but we’re really starting to understand “this hurts me more than it hurts you!”

She had the meltdown to end al meltdowns on Saturday (I reserve the right to edit this statement, as my suspicion is this isn’t the last) In fairness to Norah, we didn’t exactly set her up for success… taking her to a crowded McDonalds, a little late for lunch, and thereby really pushing into naptime… THEN not only sitting in plain view of the playland, but not allowing her to go in. Anyway the poor kid tantrumed herself into exhaustion, even waking up mid-nap to mumble “McDonalds, McDonalds…” In any case, she got over it, as did we!

Last night while we were waiting for Matt to arrive home and dinner to heat up, we were playing with coloring books, stickers etc. and having a perfectly nice time. At one point, I suggested she didn’t need to take out EVERY single page of the stickers, and maybe we should save some for another day – needless to say, she didn’t agree! That part’s fine, she’s entitled to her opinion, but she started stomping her feet and pouting & crying about it, and at one point, slapped me on the leg - hit me! I stopped her dead in her tracks with my reaction, a stern warning and a threat to send her to her room. Needless to say, that lasted for about 3 minutes and she hit me again, so off to her room she went. She resisted of course, and I had to carry her in there, but I sat her on her bed and told her to stay put until she was done crying. Honestly I wasn’t sure how it was going to go, and we have such limited time together during the week that I hated to do it, but I also can’t have her hitting me – or anyone else. So I left the door closed, but so she could open it, and went back to the kitchen.

Matt arrived home, looked around and gave me a quizzical look. I quickly explained what had happened and then we waited… before long, she appeared in the doorway and said “I’m finished”. We had a quick hug and a little chat and she ran over to see her Daddy. Who greeted her, and then asked “Did you hit Mommy?” Poor Norah, I thought she was going to start all over again as Matt was talking to her! Her little lip was quivering and I was praying that he made his point and then let it go – whew! He did, and I’m pretty sure she got the message, both that hitting is not ok and that Mom and Dad are in this together. Now the trick will be sticking with it for the next 16 years or so…

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