Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Lazy Blogger Picture Update

I've been a bit lazy on the writing front lately, although I have composed several insightful posts in my mind, but I just don't seem to ever get to the computer to punch them in! Picture updates are much easier, and as you might suspect, pictures are plentiful these days! Overall things continue to go well, Roddie is going to bed at a reasonable hour and sleeping at night more often than not, I'm into week 2 of my return to the gym, and I've hit the half way point in my maternity leave! We have a busy couple of months ahead, and we're looking forward to introducing Roddie to a lot more of his relatives!

Norah continues to be a great big sister. Here she is reading Roddie a story before we set out for the day. Roddie actually seems to be enjoying it!!
Roddie continues to be a happy baby! He rewards us easily and often with his winning smile! As you may know, Roddie shares his name not only with my Dad, but also my paternal grandfather, who was known as Papa Roddie. Papa Roddie had a special knack for making each of his 20 grandchildren feel like we were the favorite - a fact only revealed after his death! The oldest of these 20 cousins has a son who's middle name is Roderick, and her mom swears he shares some characteristics with Papa Roddie. She asked about our Roddie, to which I replied that all I could say for sure at this early stage is that he is just as good at charming the pants off of me... I think with this picture, you'll have to agree!
Speaking of charming, here is Norah posing for the camera in the middle of our annual pumpkin carving session...
And last but not least, here is me and my babies, all sharing Norah's blankets, at her insistence, in the Jungle Gym!

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