Friday, November 18, 2011

Roddie Report: 15 months!

Roddie turned 15 months recently, so it's time for an update on how he's doing
  • I had Roddie in for his 15 month check up and he's doing great!  He weighed in at 23.2 pounds (50th percentile) and 33 inches (95th percentile, or the height of an average 20 month old)  This explains why I've regularly been asked if he was 18 months old for some time now.  He's about the same size that Norah was at 18 months.
  • He also recently had his evaluation at school - he's doing well there also!  He had highest marks in all areas, except his verbal skills - he doesn't have a lot of words beyond Mama that he uses on a regular basis.  I'm not overly concernd though, since he babbles up a storm and clearly has no comprehnsion or hearing issues.  I expect we may see some changes in the coming weeks as he transitions to the toddler room.  I was also told that, like his sister, he's quite clever!
  • Today, after his appointment, I dropped him off directly in the toddler room, for the first time.  I wasn't a pile of tears like I was when I dropped Norah off in toddlers for the first time, but it was mid morning and I've been avoiding it all week!  This is his transition month, so he spends time each day in both the infant classroom and the toddler classroom.  All reports are that he's doing well there and having fun.  When we pick him up "with the big kids" he certainly seems like he belongs there (maybe because he's bigger than some of the other kids!)  Overall, I think he, and I, are ready for his big move at the end of the month.
  • I am amazed at his level of understanding - today, in the waiting room at the doctors office, I was giving him a fruit snack.  I took the wrapper off, and despite the fact that he was anxious for the snack, I said to him "there is a trash can over there, near the fishies (aquarium) - put this in it please".  He walked over to the aquarium, looked from side to side, spotted the tras can, put the wrapper in and came back
  • He immediately removes his coat and hands it to Matt or I to hang up when we come in the house.  In the infant room, his coat is stored in a bin in the sleeping area.  When I pick him up there, I say - let's go get your coat - and off he goes to get it.
  • Apparently they are going to miss him in the infant room when he moves on.. he's quite the helper from what I hear.  I guess he picks up wayward binkies and hand them to the appropriate owner.  He's also been known to give a certain baby a bottle - I guess he was sitting in a bouncey seat and the teacher had put the bottle down beside him, and when he started crying, Rod helped out.  I wonder if I can get a discount on tuition for that.. ;)
  • Rod has a partner in crime, named Kendall.  She's a cute-as-a-button brunette (who reminds me of my neice Hartleigh) just a few weeks younger than he is, so she's making the move to toddlers with him.  She always comes running when we arrive and they have a lot of fun together.
  • Rod is definitely showing some athletic tendancies - he can already kick a soccer ball (a mini one, mind you) more reliably than Norah can.  He also has a decent overhand toss and is not too bad at catching either!  His teacher Digna has commented that he reminds her of our neighbor, Jack, in that way - and Jack was easily sinking the equivalent of 3-pointers in his mini-basketball net last summer.
  • Rod and Norah have an interesting and evolving relationship.  Norah at times is getting a little aggressive with him, for no reason.  At the same time, Rod likes to insert himself in the middle of whatever is going on - ever try to put tights on a 3 year old with a large 1 year old on your lap??  That being said, he adores her and often just wants ot be in the middle of what she's doing, which she does not always appreciate - sounds like older sisters and little brothers the world over, right?  At the end of the day (literally) she is the first person who gets a good night 'tiss and hug from him come bed time.
  • Rod is off all bottles and no bed time sippy either!  I was worried this would be a problem, since he did get a bottle or boob at bed time for a long time, but we've moved on.  He now has a story and a song with a snuggle, and most nights goes right down.  He still doesn't eat as much fruit and vegetables as I'd like, but I have seen him eat an entire bowl of broccoli on occasion.  He has typically male eating habits overall - lots of meat (pork chops, chicken, beef, you name it!) and carbs.
  • He's still not a snuggler, but his hugs are the BEST!  If we are sitting on the floor, he will often back in for a quick visit to my lap (and a hug) and then move on.  So opposite from Norah, but so special just the same!

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