Sunday, January 22, 2012

Norah News: Big Sister Extrodinaire!

I wish I had a picture of something that happened this morning, but as soon as my eyes fell upon the wondrous scene, the spell was broken.  Instead, I will attempt to paint you a picture with words...

It was a rough week, sleep wise, with everyone still fighting some bug or other and a lot of waking at night, from all of us.  Alas, Friday night, everyone (except Matt - and I don't need to tend to him) slept the whole night.  I had hit the sack early and had a full 8 hours of shut eye when the 6:45 am wakeup call came. 

On Sunday, miracle of miracles, the same thing occurred!  This time, I woke up on my own, no alarm or child disturbed me!  Amazing!  After a few moments I heard Norah stir from her bed, and anticipated the pitter patter of little feet coming my way for a snuggle!  I waited, I heard more stirring, but still nothing.  Hmmm... maybe she went back to sleep - unlikely, but possible.

It soon became apparent that something was going on in the room next door, but no one was crying, so I tried to roll over.  But alas, curiosity and a full nights sleep got the better of me and I tentatively opened the door to their room.  That's when I saw it.  Or should I say them?

Norah was sitting in her little rocking chair, her feet propped up on Roddie's crib.  Roddie was sitting attentively, as Norah read him a story as she held a small light to see the book.  *ahhh* my heart swelled with pride and love!

Of course, the minute I saw them the spell was broken and our day began... it was a great day, with a lot of fun, but the beginning was the highlight!

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