Monday, January 2, 2012

Norah News: Dance Recital

Apologies about this blog being a little late, but since the day of Norah's dance recital - 2 weeks ago - we've pretty much all been sick!  It started with Norah running a fever on the day of the recital (which dampened her enthusiasm only slightly) and made it's way though the house, with Matt quite possibly getting hit a second time.

As you may recall, Norah started taking dance lessons back in September.  Since she takes the classes at daycare, I don't get to see what they do from week to week, so the recital was really the first view of the "product" for me and the other moms.  I'll have to say that overall I was quite impressed with the show and very pleased with how Norah and her class have been doing.  Norah first told me that they were having a "peep show" for the holiday Christmas  show... meaning of course that they were doing a number with Little Bo Peep!  The theme of the show was Toy Story, and each number reflected a part of the story as told in the movie. 

Here is Norah showing us a plie before the rehearsal

A more demure pose before the rehearsal

Norah and her friend Hailey waiting for their turn at rehearsal

The Preschool girls, waiting for their turn... Julia, Lauren, Cassandra, Norah and Hailey
Norah, getting in the right mood before the big show

There is Norah, just to the right of the teacher, doing her ballet thing!

How cute are these girls!

At the end of the show, Norah raved about how fun it was to dance on stage (no stage fright here!!) and even though she wasn't feeling well, she insisted on watching the end of the show.  She literally curled up on my lap until the show was over and then instantly fell asleep when we got in the car - until the next morning!  Since that time, we've been home most of the time, and it's been all ballet, all the time, around here!  She dances from room to room, and if I let her, would wear a dance get-up most every day.  I'm actually impressed at how much she has improved, especially over the past month or so - she was much better control over her limbs in addition to the sheer enjoyment she gets from the whole thing!

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