Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Mom in the Pictures

I read an article that got me thinking.  The article, in the Huffington Post, basically talks about how many moms have legions of photos of their kids, but very few that actually included themselves.  The reasons were varied, from a simple "I'm always the one taking the pictures" to "I hate how I look". I realized that I imagines of me (or Matt, for that Matter) don't appear very often here on the Bugle, which also serves as our family yearbook.  While I'd be happy to lose a few pounds, how I feel about my looks has nothing to do with why I don't appear here - I've just been so focused on documenting the kids that it escaped my notice.  The article goes on to talk about some women's memories of their own mothers, the feels, smells and love they experienced as kids, and how they never thought twice about their mom's hair or outfits.  

So, to that end, I offer up the following pictures, for you, Norah and Roddie, and pledge to post more like them.  They aren't the most flattering of me, but they do capture some really fun times we've had recently, and I want you to remember them!

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