Sunday, May 16, 2010


Here are a a few pictures of Norah and some of her pals... first here is Norah and Samantha, chasing after a pigeon on our camping trip last weekend. Norah and Samantha haven't spent a lot of time together, but they seemed to have a lot of fun playing at the campground!
Here are the girls, taking a bit of a break in the action
Now, I know we're "not supposed to be her friends, we're her parents" and I do get that, but for now, she's two and she thinks I'm cool - at least some days! Here we are getting ready for the camping trip.
Norah had a really good pal who lives next door. Jack is just a couple of months older than Norah and they attend the same daycare. Despite the fact that they spend all day together, they are always VERY excited to see each other and play outside. In this picture, Jack and Norah are enjoying their Friday night supper together outside on our deck - a common occurrence around here in the nice weather as impromptu neighbourhood potlucks have become a weekly affair!

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