Tuesday, May 25, 2010

I'm not complaining - yet

I was supposed to be stacked with meetings this morning from 9 am to 1 pm, so I had Norah on the fast track this morning and we left the house around 8:10 – plenty of time for me to get the 7.5 miles across town to the office – heck, I even stopped for a coffee! Luckily, I didn’t slug it… more on that in a moment.

Seeing as it’s spring time, there has been a lot of road and utility work going on, making the ride to work a little congested at times – buy hey, I’m not complaining – Matt drives 50+ miles each way on high-traffic highways! Still I figured I had plenty of time. I was stuck in a long line at some random intersection and didn’t think much of it, thinking it would be quick as most of the utility stops are, what, with at least 2 cops directing traffic (and collecting overtime no doubt!) in each direction… again, I’m not complaining.

When I got to said intersection, I was a bit surprised to see that it had been a train holding us up, but I wasn’t complaining, it had just moved on and traffic was starting to flow again. Just as I got into the intersection, the gates came down again, and the train started to roll back from whence it came… still not complaining, I’ve got plenty of time to get to my meeting. After about 15 minutes, I really needed to use the bathroom (I’m 6 months pregnant remember) and when the train crawled to a stop, I thought about complaining, but really, what would be the point? So I listened to the radio while the train went back AGAIN in the other direction… after a total of 25 minutes, we move on… the kids in the schoolbus on the other side of the tracks are late but I think I can still make it. No complaints here, I might even get to the bathroom!

While enjoying this 25 minute respite, I had been reading email and whatnot on the blackberry and somehow managed to lock it up, so I needed to reboot… still not complaining, as I’m going to be back in my office before the meeting starts anyway. Two more sets of utility workers plus road construction outside my office later, the blackberry is rebooted and I can finally dial in at 9:10 am. Not too bad, except I really really needed to use the bathroom by the time I pulled into the parking lot and it was coming up on my turn to speak.

I made a quick decision to go for the nearest door rather than my usual entrance, since I knew it had a bathroom at the top of the stairs. Now, I’m not as fit as I once was, not to mention I was carrying my phone, laptop, my purse, my coffee, my lunch and Brudder. Wouldn’t you know it, just as I huffed my way to the top of the stairs, it was my time to speak… so I did, a little out of breath, in the landing and without the benefit of being able to see the material I prepared. While I was glad to get that over with, all I really cared about at that instant was getting to a bathroom. So I dashed in to the nearest one, dropped my phone (meeting still going on via speakerphone) laptop, purse, lunch, and coffee on the counter (held on to Brudder) and ran into the nearest stall. Ahh relief! There was a lady already in there who laughed and said “Now that’s multitasking”

Multitasking indeed, not that I’m complaining.


  1. LOL holy cow - what a morning!

  2. Girl, when I was pregnant with both of my kids, I still lived 65 miles from work. I can't tell ya how many times I ALMOST didn't make it to the bathroom.

    With DJ - during one of my 1.5 hour trips to work, he decided to fully turn his body while i'm driving at about 7 months pregnant. I thought I was going to deliver right there in the middle of nowhere by myself out of cell phone range.

    Oh, the stories we will be able to tell when they are old enough to laugh.

    Stay cool!
