Friday, July 9, 2010

News Headlines

I haven't been feeling well this week, with a head cold on top of a heat wave and Brudder just being Brudder and taking up a lot of space in there, so apologies for the slow news feed on the blog... here's a few tidbits about what's been happening:
  • Norah is a Noodle Swimmer! What does this mean, you might ask? Well, she can now paddle around the lake solo while holding on to one of those pool noodle-thingies! It's really cool to see her face when she realizes she's on her own! She's been doing great with the swimming, getting her head and ears wet on her own, blowing bubbles, and trying to touch the bottom.
  • Brudder is BIG, there is no question. I've been asked multiple times by random strangers if I am due any day/within the week. It's amusing in a way, though not really when it's 100 degrees and humid out - at that point, NOTHING is amusing, and certainly not realizing you look (and feel) 9 months pregnant but are really only 7, and that this isn't going to be over until summer is.
  • The Doctor concurs, she was checking me out this past week and said "This baby is BIG" - thanks, like I didn't already know that... but she did order an extra ultrasound at my next appointment so we can get a better idea of exactly how big he is. I don't want Brudder to show up until he's fully baked, so to speak, but I could do with being a little more comfortable!
  • We had a great long weekend (4th of July) although we didn't make it to Matt's family's annual event. We had hoped to, but I am just not feeling up to the 4 hour each way drive and a long day outside. We spent some time with the neighbours, went to (a very crowded) beach and finally got started on a little nesting in preparation of Brudder's arrival. Sorry, no pics, didn't even touch the camera all weekend!
  • In case you hadn't heard, we called off our extreme nesting project. The costs came in about 30% higher than what we expected, and it took us all of about 15 minutes to decide to put the whole thing on hold and re-assess next year. The sense of relief we felt was incredible, so we're sure we made the right call. We still love our location and our little house will be just fine for a while. In the mean time, we'll take a bit of time to decide whether this renovation or another makes the most sense here, and also explore other properties that might work for us. No rush and no hormonally based decisions should serve us well in the long term. So, since then we've been working on some maintenance items and getting a little better organized around the house, since all of that was neglected while we were pursuing the extreme project.
  • The delay in the reno also gave us some financial flexibility, so I've decided to take a little extra time off from work with Brudder - until the first of the year in fact - so I am really excited about that! It's funny how things have a way of working out, because I have a suspicion that I am going to physically need a little more recovery time than I did after Norah's arrival. I am already feeling much worse than I did with Norah and with Brudder looking like he's going to be a big baby, recovery may not be as quick either!
  • Norah is a great helper, and very caring - she sees Matt helping me to get up from the couch or otherwise offering an assist, and she does the same - on her own. Matt has been coaching her a little on being helpful to Mom, and she's really been running with it. I can't wait to see her with her new little brother!

That's all the news at this hour... I had a decent sleep last night for the first time all week, so keep your fingers crossed!

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