Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Roddie Report: Smile for your Mama!

Lest you think this blog will continue to be all about Norah, here's the first Roddie Report! Overall, he's doing well, getting big, and is giving us a decent amount of sleep, most of the time! Well, depends on what you think of as a decent amount of sleep I guess, but let's just say, it's enough to get by, and I've managed to shower pretty much every day before breakfast. He's also getting more alert and spending more time awake during the day. Also, as of his 1 month appointment last week, he had gained 2 lbs and 2 inches since he was born and generally got a great report.

The best thing that he's been doing is smiling at me, all the time. At first I thought maybe it was gas, but he does it regularly and in definite response to me, so it can't be! It's hard to really capture it in a picture, but here's an attempt. You probably won't *really* appreciate it anyway, since I think it's special, just for me.
The other thing he does is follow me around the room with his eyes (and ears?) If someone else is holding him, he will often track to me, watching my every move. (He also nurses with his eyes wide open which can be a little disconcerting) Here is a quick video from last night, as I walk back and forth in front of him with the camera.

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