Thursday, September 23, 2010

The (Social) Lives of Babes

Who knew that our social calendar would become booked once again after we had kids? After a couple of years of being the only ones in our circle with a kid, our circle has expanded exponentially. It turns out that other people with kids like to get together and commiserate, er, I mean, let the kids play together. Oh, who are we kidding, at 2 and under it's really a parents play date - as evidenced by the fact that some occur on Friday nights and include beer!

My blackberry has been buzzing off the hook this morning (yes, I know there is technically no hook any more, but you techies get what I mean) with details for a daycare playdate, two neighbourhood playdates, a playdate with an old friend who's new again and her kids, a walking date with 2 six weeks olds with the wife of an old acquaintance I ran into at the hospital of all places, a party for this same 6 week old, a lunch date with a neighbourhood mom - and all of this occurs in the next 2 weeks!

I expected this flurry of social activity once the kids started school - you know, bus stop chit chat, PTA, and so on, but I'm pleasantly surprised to have it happening now! With our pre-kid friends no longer a convenient distance away, even though many now have kids, the logistics of working parenthood make it difficult to get together often. We're happy when it happens, of course, but it just doesn't happen often enough!

So it turns out the suburbs are filled with people like us, who moved here so they could afford to buy a house or they work out here. Also turns out that a lot of them are really nice people and fun to hang out with... thank goodness for the kids or we would never have met!

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