Saturday, January 8, 2011

Roddie Report: 21 week update

Well, Roddie is 21 weeks today and things continue to go well - especially since we're getting some good sleep! The combination of the transition to formula and Roddie getting past whatever developmental milestones he was working on has made a big difference. A far cry from every two hour feedings of a month or so ago, we now put both kids down around 7:30, in their OWN room and we only hear from Roddie once until it's time to get up for the day - sometimes it's around midnight, sometimes as late at 4:30 am, but it hasn't been more than once in close on two weeks! The best news is that I've stopped waking up every 3 hours and can now actually almost sleep thru Matt's turn to get up and feed him!

In other news, it was my first week back to work and as a result, Roddie's first week at daycare. He did great, with lots of comments about how smiley he is! Norah has been able to visit him and shares a hug and kiss with him when she does! Here he is on his first day... he doesn't seem quote as excited as Norah did - at least not in the picture!

This is a funny one.., we didn't put him to sleep this way - he did it to himself! And it wasn't a one time deal - he likes to take the blanket with two hands and pull it up over his face, peek a boo style! I've seen him rub his face on it and invariably he will fall asleep like this, with the blanket over his head.
Lastly, for today, here he is driving in his exersaucer, wearing his "Sunday Best" while he waits for the rest of us to get ready for mass. It's pretty amazing to watch him on the exersaucer - he doesn't jump around a lot like Norah did, but he loves to play with all the do-dads, and is well beyond simply swatting at them as you can see here. One of the comments from his daycare teachers on the very first day was how well he manipulated the toys and actually 'played' with them as designed. That's my boy!