Thursday, March 17, 2011

Roddie Report: 7 month update

Roddie is making a lot of moves towards moving!  He's realized that he has some control over his locomotion and has been exploring his abilities, so to speak.  He's getting really proficient at moving by squirming around on the floor, but he also finds his car to be effective.  Here's Norah trying to show him how it's done
And here he is, trying it on his own!  He can make it move backwards, on occasion, but hasn't quite figured out the forward motion!  How about that outfit?  I call it his clubbing outfit :)
He's also become really interested in pulling himself to a standing position - he can't do it yet, but over the weekend he was giving it a shot every chance he got.  He can get his little bum up off the ground and onto one knee, so I am sure it won't be long!
 Sometimes it's just more fun to play with his train!
 Looking adorable in his Sox cap
He's been doing great with the transition to solid food, and between that and the formula he's putting away a lot of calories these days!  He's weighing in over 18 pounds and so far has tried bananas, peaches, pears, apples, mangoes, broccoli, cauliflower, cantaloupe, avocado, sweet potato, carrots and yogurt.  So far he seems to like everything!  But he doesn't like ANYTHING in the morning.  He goes down at 7 and gets up only once through the night, around 4 or 5 am and has a bottle, and goes down again until around 7am .  He will have a few bites of breakfast, but not much and he has absolutely no interest in a bottle until sometime after 9, he's just not a breakfast guy.  It actually is a bit of a saving grace, as it does streamline our morning 'routine'.  Here he is looking very serious after mealtime. 

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