Friday, April 29, 2011

Easter: Cousin Chaos!

Most years at Easter, we head to PA to join Matt's family.  Festivities include decorating eggs, the blessing of the food on Saturday, a meal of ham, eggs, kielbasa and mac salad with Matt's siblings and their kids, and of course an egg hunt!  Norah was old enough this year to get into the egg hunt, but was left in the dust by her more practiced cousins!  She had fun nonetheless and I'm betting on her getting a big haul of eggs next year!  I suppose I could have prepped her on the ride down... oh well!  Including Roddie and Bryce, who were too young to join the hunt, there were 9 kids - Katelyn (9), Adam (7), Abby (6), Olivia (4), Norah (3) Brian (almost 3) and Ella (2.5).  Here they are in their Easter finery getting ready for the hunt! 

Another feature of any family get-together at Matt's family's place involving the kids is what I call "Cousin Chaos!"  The kids get a little riled up playing at Oma and Opa's, getting away with some things they might otherwise not.  It's all in good fun and I am sure Norah and Roddie will remember these times when they are older. 
Cousin Chaos usually wraps up with the kids all in their jammies before heading out. It doesn't always indicate that things have quieted down at all, not that you'd know from this last picture!
All in all it was a good trip.  The ride down was seamless, in part because we managed to get away early.  The ride back was interesting, as we seemed to have our parents in the car with us - or perhaps we have turned into them, because someone was heard saying "Don't make me pull this car over!!"

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