Friday, September 16, 2011

Adventure Chronicles: E&E's Big Day

I thought about doing a play by play of our trip, but as my sister Erin pointed out in her blog posting about their wedding day - that can be a bit boring!  So, like Erin, I'll give you a few of my favorite things about their wedding.

First of all, my favorite thing about Erin and Eric's wedding is getting a great new Brother-in-law, Eric.  Like my other BIL, JM, Eric suits my sister to a "T" (that's Big T, T for toasty, for those of you in the know)  Ever since Eric came on the scene a few years ago as "date boy" we've seen he and Erin grow and blossom together.  The first time I met Eric, shortly after Norah was born, I was impressed with how easily he not only fit in, but really added to our family in his understated way. 

I like this picture of them because it shows them leaning on one another, key to a long and happy marriage!

I LOVE this fun picture of them and think it captures them beautifully!

My next favorite thing about their big day was the cookie buffet!  If you know me, you know I have a sweet tooth, and also that purple is my favorite color - thus the high ranking for the cookie buffet.  I didn't actually indulge all that much, and I missed the very popular macaroons, but I love this idea!  This picture shows Erin's bridesmaids Kim and Gloria, grabbing a sweet snack

Bridesmaids steal a sweet snack!
 My next favorite image of the night is of Erin, in her full wedding regalia, playing the Family Jam Band!  I prefer an image with her face showing, as I was really struck by how beautiful and happy she was up on stage, and how cool she looked!  If you haven't been to a MacNeil function in the past few years, you may not know about the FJB.  The FJB is anchored by Erin, my cousin Terry and my uncle Hugh.  While they've been jamming for some time, I think their first real appearance was at my cousin Janis's wedding in 2005, followed by my own wedding in 2006, the family reunion and Erin's wedding this year (forgive me if I've missed some!)  The FJB is often supplemented with other event guests, including Terry's partner Patti and my friend Rob.
Erin in her element!
My next favorite image involves Norah.  At the farm, where the wedding was held, we were all transported a mile or two back into the woods, where the wedding was held, on horse drawn wagons - think hayrides, but cleaner.  The bride and her ladies in waiting, including my mom, and as it turns out, Norah, were to be transported in a more "fancy" buggy, which Norah quickly dubbed the Princess Buggy.  Needless to say, between the fancy dresses and the buggy, Norah truly thought she was in the presence of royalty!  She was in awe, and perfectly behaved while on the buggy and for some time after. 
The girls in the "Princess Buggy"
Norah with some of the royal family in the Princess Buggy

My next favorite image is Roddie in his little tiny suit.  It's the first time I had occasion to really spiff him up for something and I couldn't be happier with how cute he looked!  Little girls are pretty easy to get ready for an event like a wedding, and Norah actually had several options of what to wear.  I'm sure Roddie will never wear this suit again, as he'll probably outgrow it in another week or so, but hallloooo... how cute.  A few people said he looked like a mini stock broker - e-trade commerical anyone??
You wanna make a deal??
The next one was my Dad, walking Erin up the aisle.  As the youngest of three girls, and the last to get married, I wonder what was going through my Dad's mind - "last one, married off??", "boo hoo, no more weddings"? "Yippee more grandkids?".  Since we we all established professionals on our own, it's not like he was paying a dowry and getting us out of the house, but I gotta wonder if there was a little of that nostalgia nonetheless?  This picture was taken by their photographer, Layton Reid.  Check out his blog for more pics. 

Last One!
Last, but not least, here's a picture of my parents.  Don't they look great?  They've become old pros at weddings and are have moved gracefully into grandparenthood.  More on that when I blog about the rest of the trip!  
My Parents, Greg and Sharon

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