Saturday, December 13, 2008

It can always be worse....

As I write this, I am sitting in a warm hotel room, while Norah snores softly in her pack'n'play over in the corner. It's a pretty nice hotel room actually - king sized bed, sitting area, clean, nicely located just off of 128.

Wait, just off of 128? Why am I in a hotel room a mere 30 minutes from my home... I mean I drive farther than this to get my hair cut for goodness sake! Well it turns out we are one of the 1,000,000 households in New England without power. It's kind of strange, you can drive to the other end of town, and homes are brightly lit with Christmas lights, but back at our house the furnace is out and it's 55 deg F inside!

Norah has been sick all week, with temps over 104. We've been to the doc 3 times already and are headed back there today. Yesterday morning, they didn't have power either, though it was restored mid morning. We're still not sure what's wrong with her, but she had some blood work done yesterday (thankfully in a lab in Concord, which does have power!) and she had 2 shots of antibiotics in her legs, which seemed to help. Hopefully they will be able to tell us something when we go in today.

As bedraggled as I felt when I finally had time to log in last night, I know things could be a lot worse... we were lucky to find a hotel room (thanks Andy!!) and Norah's paediatrician's office was great, despite a reduced staff and other weather related challenges. Her fever is responding to Tylenol, and we're all together.

Norah is awake now, so I've got to go... who knows when I'll be able to post again, but keep us, and the hundreds of thousands of other folks in this situation in your thoughts and prayers

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