Thursday, August 27, 2009

Another Ted

You may have heard that the senior Senator from Massachusetts, Ted Kennedy, passed away yesterday. Like him or not, he was a pretty big figure in these parts, and there has been all day news coverage for the past couple of days. Maybe it's because I'm not from here, maybe it's because I'm not really into stalking celebs, but I was much more affected by the recent death of another Ted. My dear friend Molly's father Ted (or Ed) passed away just about a month ago. The freaky thing is that both men were diagnosed with a brain tumor at about the same time. So while Senator Kennedy was fighting the big C in a very public way, the other Ed and his family were fighting a very similar battle in a much more private way.

I can't really explain why Molly's Dad's death affected me so much - I really had only met him a couple of times. Maybe it's the way her family rallied together and supported his wish to convalsce at home. Maybe it's the similarity between her family and my own - her Dad and my Dad were of similar age, active and young at heart. Her siblings and mine are of similar age. Even now, well into adulthood, her family's home is one where we often gathered - not unlike my own home growing up. Maybe it was seeing how close he had remained with his college friends - and there were a lot of them - expanding the extended family in all the best ways.

As I write this, I'm realizing that the thing about Molly's Dad that stays with me most is how he somehow managed, with 4 kids at home, to be present and involved with them, sharing a family meal each night, and instilling in them the "Team N" attidue, while still contributing in so many ways to his community - and inspiring others to do the same. It's something Matt and I struggle with often - how to be the parents Norah deserves, with all the pressures inherent in the life we've made for ourselves. It's hard at times to be a good friend, sister, daughter plus a wife & mother - in fact I must admit I've focused more on the last two lately.

I don't know what Ed's secret was, but I do know that he's leading by example, even from above. All I can do is try to do a little better, and I'm trying. Rest in Peace Ed N and Ed K

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