Thursday, August 27, 2009

Tough Job: SAHM

For those of you not familiar with the shortcut, SAHM = Stay at Home Mom, and I'm here to tell you, it's a tough gig.

Norah got sent home sick from daycare yesterday, and while she was over whatever it was she had, she still is not allowed back until Friday. So, I took the day off - like for real, I didn't try to work, it was just me and the kiddo today! I'm EXHAUSTED!

We went to the library, then ran a few errands getting home in time for lunch, after which I was banking on a long nap, on account of her being under the weather (oh right, that was yesterday...) She slept for 45 minutes.

We had a good day, we played a lot, inside and out, sometimes active, sometimes more passive. But still, I was pretty happy to see Matt arrive for backup at dinner time!

While we were at the library It occured to me that there is a lot more to staying at home than just watching the kid and keeping the house. I'd have to, no, I'd want to, make sure I had some age appropriate activities planned, time with other kids (and moms), and some how manage to keep things in decent shape around here. Given how hard I find it when Matt works late now, I REALLY can't imagine what I would be like by the end of the day if I were home all the time.

As it is now, I really look forward to the end of the day, and going to pick up my girl! I don't feel anxious and panicky if I am 5 minutes late like I did a year ago, but that probably wasn't really good anyway. I cherish the time we have together in the morning and I am VERY thankful for a job that I like, that affords me this level of flexibility and convenience. It's hard that Matt is working so much these days, but we're a team, and hopefully it won't always be that way.

I've always had respect for SAHM's, because I know that there is a price to pay, no matter what mommy-option you choose, but today, I gained a whole new level of insight... it's not for me, but hats off to you, SAHM's!

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