Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Easter in Reverse

I've been a little delinquent in posting (an excuse that is getting old, I am sure) but there is lots to say, just not too much time to say it, or so it seems... In any case, I am just getting around to posting the pictures from our Easter trip to PA a couple of weeks ago... but I loaded them in reverse, so you'll get the story in reverse as well. We haven't been to PA for Easter since Norah was born, but as you can see, it's cousin central!

Here's the Easter Egg hunt in full swing!
Here is Norah, with Olivia, Ella and Abby... Olivia wasn't all that interested in sharing her little sister with Norah, but that didn't stop Norah from following them around, trying to hold hands or snag a hug
Norah and Brian had an unusual fascination with tossing stuff down the storm drain... leaves, sticks, maybe an egg or two?
Here's all the little kids, Norah, Brian, Abby, Katelyn, Ella, Adam and Olivia
Norah finds her first egg, and stops to investigate... but competition was fierce, no time to see what's inside each one!
Norah leading the charge, despite the fact she had no idea what fun she was in for!
Friday night, Norah was serenaded by Opa before bed time HE started out with a livelier number...
Painting her first eggs!
Well this one has nothing to do with Easter, it was the weekend before, as noted by the winter jacket and hat! We met a friend of mine and her daughter for a play-date... I kinda forgot to take some pictures, except this one! Regardless, it was nice to hang out with someone that I had more than just our kids in common with.

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