Monday, April 26, 2010

Pox or Not?

Does this look like a kid with chicken pox to you? No? Me neither. This picture was taken around 9 am this morning (yes, a Monday, when we should have been long gone) as Norah had a ball flooding the kitchen, er, I mean playing in the sink. I sent this picture to Matt, who was already at work, as we waited to leave for our doc appointment to verify that she did not have the dreaded pox!
Well, let me fill you in on the background...a week or so ago, a note came home from daycare that both chicken pox and hand, foot and mouth disease had been diagnosed at Norah's school. Even though Chicken Pox can be very serious in pregnant women, I wasn't all that worried, as Norah had been vaccinated, and Matt and I both had it as kids.

Last Friday Norah woke up (or rather, I woke her up :( ) with a slight fever, and obviously not herself, so I kept her home. Her fever spiked in the afternoon, and while Tylenol wasn't touching it, Motrin seemed to keep it under control for the most part. I was worried, as she and I had tickets to see Curious George Live Saturday afternoon. Mid Day Saturday she still had the fever, but we loaded her up with meds again and put her down for her nap... and then snatched her from sleep to toss her in the car and head to see Monkey George -it'll be fun, I promise!

Anyway, the show was a hit, and the fever abated... she was a bit restless on Saturday night but woke up "not hot" as she said. Then the next thing hit... she started showing a few spots on her face, neck and hands... uh oh. So we watched her all afternoon and evening, waiting for some definitive sign that it was or wasn't one of the dreaded VOW - Virus of the Week.

This morning she work up, with no new spots and yesterday's spots looking a lot less angry, so I was fairly certain that she didn't have a VOW. The problem is, if I sent her to daycare with an unchecked rash, she'd get sent home to get it checked... soooo I called her doc when they opened, explained my plight to the nurse, and made an appointment for mid morning. As I suspected, it was neither of the VOW, and I dropped her back at daycare in time to catch the end of circle time (ok, maybe in time to disrupt the end of circle time) and in time for me to make it to my morning's meeting.

Alls well that ends well, I guess!

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