Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Roddie Report: Troubadour Blues

Roddie is showing some serious interest in playing a musical instrument.  Just as Norah's twirling tendencies at an early age were demonstrating her interest in dance, we're seeing Roddie really engage with musical instruments.  Now, I know all kids twirl and have marching bands around the kitchen, but in both cases they really have shown a level of interest that is distinct from their other pastimes.
For Christmas, we got Roddie a toy/play guitar and by far, it was his favorite gift.  In fact, no one else was allowed to touch it, and he has continued to sit down and play almost daily.  In fact, we were having "quiet time" over the weekend and when I peeked in on him, he was sitting on his bottom bunk, strumming the guitar, which wasn't even turned on!  It was like a preschool version of a western movie!
So, for his birthday, we got him a "More Real" guitar!  It looks like a real guitar with strings etc.  It can't hold a note for the world, but he's 3, and neither can he.  It was all I could do to get him to leave it here when I took him to school yesterday, and it was the first thing he asked for when I picked him up.  We had to "put it to bed" in it's box, and here he is, about 2 minutes after he got up this morning (yeah, that's right, no snuggles for me!)
Suffice to say, I think we've got a hit on our hands.  He granted Norah one short turn, under his watchful eye, this morning, but that was it.  We will be looking for some music lessons in another couple of years.

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