Friday, September 23, 2011

Roddie Walker

Who me?  Walk?
Well, at long last, Roddie has joined the ranks of the walking!  It happened innocently enough, Wednesday night, he just up and walked across the kitchen.  Thursday, when I was picking the kids up from school, he just got up and walked into a classroom or two.  There was no wobbly, tentative steps - he just stood up and walked to where he wanted to go

We've known for some time that he was able, it was just a matter of deciding that he wanted to.  He has been able to walk pretty impressive distances and a good pace since early July, but just hasn't really been interested.  I'm sure if he were an only child, he would have gotten around to it earlier, but the fact is, as a second child, we have other things to pay attention to, and little time to run the practice drills we did with Norah (not really, but I think you know what I mean). 

I think peer pressure played into it a little as well.  His best buddy at school, Kendall, started taking a few steps over the past couple of weeks, and I gotta think she's really starting to move now.  Then, teeny tiny Charlotte also started taking a few steps and the little man just didn't want to be left behind!

Regardless, I am thrilled that he didn't wait until next week, when I am out of town on business, to get around to it.  Thanks Rod, and keep on walking, little buddy!

Foto Finish Friday: Week 39

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Roddie Report: Teeth

It's been a rough week, sleep wise.  I'd have to say it's pretty comparable to the first few months, when the kids were up feeding all the time.  While Norah's been having some nightmares again and the fluctuating temperatures are wreaking havoc, the real reason is Roddie and his teeth. 

He doesn't cut just one or two teeth, oh no, this little man cuts 3 or 4 or more at once!  He got all his front teeth at one time and now he seemed to be getting all his molars at once also.  At least 4 teeth have made their way through in the past week or so, and I'm not convinced that's it.  A quick Internet search reveals that the "one year molars" are often painful - think about it, those big back teeth pushing their way through!  It's tough on us all, since if he's up, we're all up, and of course it's heartbreaking to have your child be so upset and in pain and not be able to do anything for him.  (Ibuprofen, unfortunately, takes a few minutes to kick in!) 

Anyway, last night was a bit better, and after a week, we may be on the back side of this thing!  (I hope so, as Matt will be flying solo with the kids next week).  In other teeth related news, Rod has really embraced brushing his teeth!  He went from fighting us to get his teeth brush to opening wide and now he wants to do it himself!  I'm not sure what, if anything, this could have to do with the teething situation, but it sure made for some cute pictures!
Look at me, I can brush all by myself!

... And I love to pose for the camera!

With help from his big sister

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Norah News: Not so Tiny Dancer

As you may recall, we decided to sign Norah up for dance lessons.  We didn't talk about it too much while we were on vacation and it kind of crept up on us when we got back.  But, after a last minute shopping trip the night after our first day back to work, Norah was outfitted and ready to go.  Needless to say, she was pretty excited and was chomping at the bit to try on her new dancing outfit. 

Out little girl looks so grown up!
Norah is well aware that only "big kids" are able to go to dance lessons and it really showed in her behavior that day.  She was downright angelic, she was so mature that evening after the first lesson!  The photos that follow are a bit of a samping of Norah warming up the night before her first class. I think we made the right call.
Trying out her stuff

Matt actually taught her this one :)

Dance Norah, dance!!

Friday, September 16, 2011

Adventure Chronicles: E&E's Big Day

I thought about doing a play by play of our trip, but as my sister Erin pointed out in her blog posting about their wedding day - that can be a bit boring!  So, like Erin, I'll give you a few of my favorite things about their wedding.

First of all, my favorite thing about Erin and Eric's wedding is getting a great new Brother-in-law, Eric.  Like my other BIL, JM, Eric suits my sister to a "T" (that's Big T, T for toasty, for those of you in the know)  Ever since Eric came on the scene a few years ago as "date boy" we've seen he and Erin grow and blossom together.  The first time I met Eric, shortly after Norah was born, I was impressed with how easily he not only fit in, but really added to our family in his understated way. 

I like this picture of them because it shows them leaning on one another, key to a long and happy marriage!

I LOVE this fun picture of them and think it captures them beautifully!

My next favorite thing about their big day was the cookie buffet!  If you know me, you know I have a sweet tooth, and also that purple is my favorite color - thus the high ranking for the cookie buffet.  I didn't actually indulge all that much, and I missed the very popular macaroons, but I love this idea!  This picture shows Erin's bridesmaids Kim and Gloria, grabbing a sweet snack

Bridesmaids steal a sweet snack!
 My next favorite image of the night is of Erin, in her full wedding regalia, playing the Family Jam Band!  I prefer an image with her face showing, as I was really struck by how beautiful and happy she was up on stage, and how cool she looked!  If you haven't been to a MacNeil function in the past few years, you may not know about the FJB.  The FJB is anchored by Erin, my cousin Terry and my uncle Hugh.  While they've been jamming for some time, I think their first real appearance was at my cousin Janis's wedding in 2005, followed by my own wedding in 2006, the family reunion and Erin's wedding this year (forgive me if I've missed some!)  The FJB is often supplemented with other event guests, including Terry's partner Patti and my friend Rob.
Erin in her element!
My next favorite image involves Norah.  At the farm, where the wedding was held, we were all transported a mile or two back into the woods, where the wedding was held, on horse drawn wagons - think hayrides, but cleaner.  The bride and her ladies in waiting, including my mom, and as it turns out, Norah, were to be transported in a more "fancy" buggy, which Norah quickly dubbed the Princess Buggy.  Needless to say, between the fancy dresses and the buggy, Norah truly thought she was in the presence of royalty!  She was in awe, and perfectly behaved while on the buggy and for some time after. 
The girls in the "Princess Buggy"
Norah with some of the royal family in the Princess Buggy

My next favorite image is Roddie in his little tiny suit.  It's the first time I had occasion to really spiff him up for something and I couldn't be happier with how cute he looked!  Little girls are pretty easy to get ready for an event like a wedding, and Norah actually had several options of what to wear.  I'm sure Roddie will never wear this suit again, as he'll probably outgrow it in another week or so, but hallloooo... how cute.  A few people said he looked like a mini stock broker - e-trade commerical anyone??
You wanna make a deal??
The next one was my Dad, walking Erin up the aisle.  As the youngest of three girls, and the last to get married, I wonder what was going through my Dad's mind - "last one, married off??", "boo hoo, no more weddings"? "Yippee more grandkids?".  Since we we all established professionals on our own, it's not like he was paying a dowry and getting us out of the house, but I gotta wonder if there was a little of that nostalgia nonetheless?  This picture was taken by their photographer, Layton Reid.  Check out his blog for more pics. 

Last One!
Last, but not least, here's a picture of my parents.  Don't they look great?  They've become old pros at weddings and are have moved gracefully into grandparenthood.  More on that when I blog about the rest of the trip!  
My Parents, Greg and Sharon

Foto Finish Friday: Week 38

Monday, September 12, 2011

Adventure Chronicles: Vacation 2011 Summary

We're Back!
From where you may ask?  Well, I didn't post about our vacation, because, well, this is the Internet after all!  But we're home now and it was a great trip!  The driving reason behind the trip was my sister Erin's wedding to Eric, but we packed a LOT of good fun into the 10 day adventure, so much so that I"ll need a few posts to record it all!
In 10 days we covered nearly 1900 miles (that's about 3000 kilometers for you Canadians out there)  We slept in 7 different places (including home), and spent more than 2 hours of driving time on 6 of the 10 days!
Vacation 2011 - 10 days, 1900 miles, truckloads of fun!
In addition to seeing Erin and Eric tie the knot, which included catching up with extended family, meeting Eric's family, and E&E's friends from the west and a visit to a working farm (!), I also got to share some of the highlights of Halifax, a city I lived in for 4 years, with Matt and the kids, introduce Roddie to my Grandmother, Nanny Dot, and spend time at one of my all time favorite places, Inverness Beach Village!  Overlaying all of it and making the trip very memorable for Norah in particular was the fact that her Nanny and Papa (my parents) were around the whole time... popping in for a visit here, stopping by to babysit there. 
As you might expect, I've got a lot of work to catch up on, but I'll document our trip in the coming days