Tuesday, September 24, 2013

DW2DT: Day 79 - And Then There was LIGHT!

When I got home tonight, check out what I saw:
Lights On!
It's been a while since there was progress to see upon arrival, so it was pretty exciting!  Given where things stood yesterday, I was pretty optimistic that it also meant there was a lot of light inside too!  I was not mistaken.  In fact, right now it's like daylight outside the camper window where I am sitting - lights by the back sliders, back door, and 2 flood lights up high on the house!  That's not to mention the plethora of rooms with lights that work inside also!
The kids were pretty excited also, Roddie was very proud to show me that he had his own light and his own light switch! 
In other news, the tile isn't quite done yet...however, in the two areas of the 2nd floor baths where the vanities will go, the tile is complete, including grout - and ready to receive the vanities tomorrow, presumably. 

Kids bath, lights, tile... ACTION!
Further evidence that the vanities are going in soon - they've been unpacked in Norah's room and are ready to be moved!

As if all the lights weren't exciting enough, we pulled down the attic stairs to see if there were lights up there also, and lo and behold - there was the new furnace!  Hooray!  I'll be honest, I didn't look too closely at what was hooked up and what wasn't, but I did see a lot of ducts all over the place!
Hallooooo HEAT!

Sunday, September 22, 2013

DW2DT Day 77: Paint-a-Palooza Round Up

I've killed a lot of brain cells on vacation over the years - all-inclusive beach resorts, pubs in various fun parts of Europe, high altitude and low altitude hikes, but I think this week may have topped them all on that front.  Matt started painting last weekend and literally just finished up an hour ago.  I joined the fun after dropping the kids off on Monday, and painted all day for 5 days, and generally held down the fort - single parenting stinks, for the record.
However, at the end of the day (well, week) we do have a lot of progress to report!  All of the walls and ceilings on the second floor are complete, and a good start on the trim.  On the first floor, we've made a jump on the trim and have primed the walls and finished the ceilings in the dining room, family room and living room.  One thing I must admit is that I failed to appreciate the added work of prepping walls, filling nail holes, sanding and caulking.  Alas, we're on top of all that also. 
While a project like this certainly can test one's marriage, it also really highlights individual strengths and weaknesses.  Matt, clearly, is the detail oriented half of our team, and I'm more of the "bull in the China shop" workhorse - or, as Roddie might say, "Me Primer Girl".   All in all, we are pooped, but satisfied.  
25 gallons of paint on the wall, 25 gallons of paint...

Matt's tracking sheet, not updated yet for today's work.  First column is walls, 2nd is ceilings and trim as you head to the right

Putting the kids to work also...

Dining Room into the family room, primed

Me being silly.  I primed this room AROUND this pile of Tim's stuff!
Tim was busy this week also.  He started the week finishing up the trim and moved on to tile.  Tile, like painting, takes a lot of prep work.  The floor needed a little leveling, a little measuring and a lot of figuring.  It was actually handy to be at home when the figuring was going on. 

Foyer Tile, Work in Progress
This upcoming week, we're expecting plumbers and electricians, so things should really start coming together.  It's looking like just a couple more weeks and we'll be back in the house.  I am getting more and more anxious to get into the house by the second!
As I mentioned, Matt has been working nights and weekends on the painting, and I've been holding down the fort.  There is a bonus to this division of labor, in that I got a change of pace come Saturday.  After Norah's dance lessons, the kids and I went on a hike at the local conservation area.  It was just what the doctor ordered.

Division of labor pays dividends...

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

DW2DT: Day 72 - Paint-a-Palooza!

In order to keep DW2DT on budget, Matt and I decided to do the interior painting ourselves.  I'll be honest, I was really starting to wonder if this was a good idea or not as our "Paintcation" week came closer.  However, at the 2 day mark, I'm happy to report that things are going well, and I think we'll reach our goal of getting all the walls and ceilings painted this week.  The doors and trim will likely have to follow, but that can be done one at a time, at any time. 
We've killed north of a dozen gallons of paint already.  The picture below was taken around mid day and has already grown by a few. 
Tower of Dead Soliders, a dozen strong
Matt is one big reason we're in such good shape.  He's been painting by shop light at night, on the weekend, any spare moment to get us ahead on this crazy project.  When Tim came in on Monday morning we were able "hand over" all three bathrooms and the laundry room, fully painted and ready for tile.  Turns out tile work doesn't start until Thursday, but that's ok, since Matt also finished the 2 story foyer tonight!  I must be honest, I've never seen Matt procrastinate so much about any work project as he did about the last coat on the foyer.  I see this as a testament not to Matt's work ethic, but rather how much it stinks to paint that space!  2 stories, a set of stairs, a sizable upstairs hallway, the foyer downstairs... all of this was painted 3 times - tinted primer and 2 top coats, and I have to say, it looks awesome!
Ladder configuration to reach all wacky places
Matt, high at work
We also managed to get Roddie's room done, all but a final topcoat, Norah's room primed (despite the 2, 6 foot vanities in the middle of the room), our room primed, and the dining room and family room prepped and primed. 
Next steps, in addition to our paint labor, include tile starting Thursday, wood floors next week.  Base trim arrives on Thursday so we'll probably pre-paint that.  The plumber and electrician are scheduled to return next week also, so I'm guessing  a lot of things will be coming together next week!

Monday, September 9, 2013

Norah News: 2 Wheel Biker Chick!

As I've written before, both kids have been doing great riding their bikes!  Norah's had her training wheels offset all summer, and I've been telling her that when she can ride without making any noise (when she leans on the wheels, they make a lot of noise)  she's ready to ride without them.  I didn't think too much about it. 
On our usual bike route there are a couple of small sections of unpaved road, or as the kids like to call them, bumpy parts.  I've tried to tell them that bumpy parts are the most fun, to no avail.  Most times, the bumpy parts are met with significant drama from both kids.  The other night, an overtired Norah was "afraid to do it, she might fall" while Roddie ditched his bike at the corner and ran home.  Good times.  I ended up giving Norah a talk about not being afraid to try, and falling is ok, you just get up and try again.  Then I guided her over the bumpy part and away we went.  She was pleased, but didn't say too much about it at the time.
Then, Sunday, we took our bike ride and Norah looked at me and said "I want to try the bumpy part" - and she did, really well.  She was positively glowing, and she said, "Mom, you were right, the bumpy parts are FUN!"  She hit all the rest of the bumpy parts, some of them a couple of times, through out the ride.  Later that day, the two of them were having a ball riding around the front yard, which is a bit beaten down from the construction guys.
Tonight, I had every intention of getting them to bed early - they are overtired and it shows!  But it was a nice night and they begged to go outside the minute dinner was over - so off they went to their bikes in the driveway while I wiped up the dishes. 
Just as I was wrapping up, Norah came in and asked me to take her training wheels off.  I was a bit surprised, but rolled with it.  She went straight out to the street and gave it a try - it didn't go that well, but I said, "good fall Norah, that's the way we do it"  I then encouraged her to try on the front lawn, and, let's just say - she nailed it!  I was so happy for her.  We did it a bunch more times, and she exclaimed, "I am going to be a bike champion when I grow up!"
Indeed Norah, you are a champion!  
Norah's artwork from today
Then, at bedtime I took a look in her backpack and found this, from today.  The thing she likes?  Her bike, and that's a seat for Roddie on the back!

DW2DT: Day 64 - Painting

After much consternation and research, we decided that waiting a full 30 days for the plaster to cure was overly cautious, and we’d start sooner.  Like now.  So after a few trips for color chips, and a few more trips for paint and supplies, the painting began in earnest on Saturday morning.  
Matt started off setting up and doing the ceilings in the mornnig and I joined in the fun in the afternoon afer dropping the kids off with our awesome neighbours for a play date.  We painted until it was time to get the kids and then kicked back with a few pizzas in their screen house for the last hurrah of summer (though, I hear it’s supposed to hit 90 on Wednesday, so who knows?).
Matt has approached the painting like everything that needs to get done – with a vengenace!  Sunday morning he started again at 8 am, and painted until after 8 pm that night.  By 9 am I had the new portion of the deck stained, even with the kids “help” and proceeded to look after most everything else that needed tending – loads upon loads of laundry (it was sunny and crezzy – perfect hanging out laundry weather), dinners for the whole week, long bike ride for the kids, haricut for Roddie, stop for more paint supplies, you name it, we got’er done!
We really wanted to get the bathrooms done, so once the tile goes in, hopefully next weeks, the plumbers can come and finish them off – this will be a big step towards getting us back into the house, and we don’t want to be the hold up.  So, the total for the weekend is 3 bathrooms (can’t believe we have 3!!!), one laundry room and Roddie’s bedroom primed and painted, plus a some ceiling cut ins in the foyers.  I don’t know how we does it, I’m just thankful he does!  The crazy bugger is thinking about second coating everything tonight (!) since the rest of the week is a wash for various reasons.
Next week, Matt and I are taking a much needed vacation (ha!) to paint with the hopes of being done, with the walls and celings at least, by the end of the week.  Tim was on the ball and pushed off the hardwood floor install until the week after, which will make it a LOT easier for us to paint.  

Roddie Report: First Trip to the Dentist

I took Roddie for his first trip the dentist this morning.  He's been there the last few times I took Norah, so I think he knew what to expect.  He was his usual shy self  when things started, but with a little help from his "Baby" Giraffe Baby he did just fine!  All looks as it should with his teeth, and next time we go, both kids will have an appointment!

Friday, September 6, 2013

Norah News: Favorite Places

When I asked Norah about her favorite thing about school after the first couple of days, the answer was “the library”  (day 3 I just got accused of asking too many questions…)  With that in mind, I think this picture is especially appropriate.  I pulled it off her teacher’s web site (awesome!).  As far as I can tell, it’s in the library, and I have no idea who the kid in the picture is, but it appears she is a new friend.  Good stuff.

Foto Finish Friday: Week 35

Roddie Report: Guy Time

The balancing act that is our life continues – today, I had an early meeting, so Matt dropped the kids off.  These days, Norah gets dropped off first, and apparently Matt decided to stick with his usual morning routine and stopped at “Dave’s Store” for coffee.  He always brings his own cup to refill, and Roddie recently got a new water bottle like Norah’s for school, and has insisted on taking it with him each day.  With that intro, I got this email from Matt this morning:
“I had my coffee cup getting him out to go to Dave’s so he insisted on bringing his water sippy in.  I told him this is where the guys hang out in the morning.  Got him a muffin, he was elated.”
Apparently a little “guy time” was a hit!

Thursday, September 5, 2013

DW2DT Day 60: Knock Knock

Things continue to move along here at the compound, even if it's not as exciting as in earlier weeks!  So far this week Tim prepped all the floors for tile, which I think is going in next week.  The foyer was once part living room, part bathtub, part potty, and part damaged, so there was quite a bit of work to do in getting it flat and level. We also chose a paint color for the main area (you will have to wait), and received a couple of sets of light fixtures we ordered online.  Also today, Tim installed the balance of the interior doors!  Matt's been in the house since dinner, presumably prepping those for paint.  Speaking of paint, plan is to start priming this weekend!!!  Next up is flooring (tile and wood) and window trim
Knock, Knock? Who's there?  Foyer closet and door to the office!

Norah News: Kindergarten Day 2

Well the second day of school started out in much the same way as the first – a pink, giggly blur.  On this day we went to the early drop off program before school, so I had a chance of getting to work on time.  Lucky for us, eh… I mean her, Erin, her best buddy from around the corner, was also going to early drop off that day.  I blocked my calendar for the early morning and Roddie and I walked Norah and Erin up to school.  It was a beautiful sunny day, with none of the humidity we’d been dealing with lately and Rod and I thoroughly enjoyed the walk, even if it meant getting to work a little late. 
It's only the 3rd day today, and already I've come to understand that universal truth that all parents the world over eventually learn:  After a certain point in time, this is your most familiar view of your children:
Of course, it is all right and good, and we've only just begun, and that's what we're trying to do as parents, after all... and blah blah blah.  It just caught me a little by surprise what a difference a few days of school would make.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Norah News: First Day of School!

Well, for a change, the house isn't the big news around here - Norah started Kindergarten today! 
The morning started with her bounding into my bed, while Matt was showering, and asking if it was time to go yet... it was 6am.  The questions pretty much didn't stop for another 2,5 hours until we started to meet up with some of the neighbor kids for the trek up the street to school. 
Last night, there was a lot of excitement.  I sat here listening to the two kids debating over who would visit who at school.  Norah offered to give Roddie 100 hugs and kisses, but he said, no only 1.  I was actually a little worried about Roddie, missing his sister.  He talked about it a lot over the past couple of weeks and I feel like he was getting adjusted to the whole idea of not having his sister with him at school.  All was well by today though, he said he missed is sistah but he wasn't sad about it.
Posing with her new backpack on the porch of the camper

Pensive, happy girl!  Look like anyone you know Mom?
 Norah was literally bouncing off the walls as we got ready to go.  We were taking some pictures outside when we saw our neighbor and friend Jack doing the same thing, so we wandered over and took a few pics with him.

The kids were quickly comparing new backpacks and talking about what the day had in store

Buddies since birth!

I am ready too!
 A lot can change in a couple of months... when we took a similar to this at preschool graduation, she seemed to be leaning into me and pulling away at the same time.. now it seems like there is not so much leaning in...
Next stop was around the corner to pick up her best buddy Erin.  Erin actually started Kindergarten last year, and so school started for her last week.  Lucky for us, Erin and her mom were excited to share the first day with us and show us the ropes! 
Three Amigos from the Hood

... and we're off!

Crossing the Street, Norah  says "I know how to cross the street, My Dad taught me"

They slow down... a little apprehension maybe?

Made it to the school!  We were pretty much the first ones to arrive...

Big Girl, ready for school!

Norah and some of her class, lined up and ready to learn!
The report on the day was great!  Her favorite part was going to the library in the afterschool program.  Also, she and Erin played some kind of game together and they won, so that was a highlight as well.  She claims she made a lot of new friends - her whole class worth!  And she's going back tomorrow, so I'd call that a success! 

Monday, September 2, 2013

DW2DT: Day 57 - Life on the Other Side

I think we've reached the other side of "the Hump" - you know, the dark before the light, the bottom, etc.  The confluence of Matt's work deadline, the end of summer, the issues with the drain and let's face it, 2 months living in a camper and no summer vacation were all adding up.  Honestly, assuming last week was truly the bottom, it really wasn't all that bad.  At this point, the house is starting to feel like a home again, and it also feels like there is a MOUNTAIN of stuff for us to do.  Primarily painting, but other things like prepping for painting, priming a few windows, pouring a sidewalk etc are all adding up.  The problem is, there is only so much we can do while we're waiting for the plaster to cure!
Yesterday, we made some very satisfying progress - we did all the decking on the new part of the deck, by the family room sliders.  It took most of the day, other than church, but Matt and I both felt a sense of satisfaction, and that we'd accomplished something.  The kids helped for the first 40 seconds or before they got bored, but they were really good about poking around the yard, helping with their own tools etc.  Quote of the day had to be Roddie, who was handing Matt the screws.  He said "Daddy, I am screw boy" LOL
The fruit of our labor - nice eh?  We are going to oil the mahogany this time, and clean up and oil the existing sections
Rest assured, we weren't the only ones to make progress this week.  It's just that it's not that interesting to take pictures of!  Tim put in a few doors upstairs (as well as picking them all up, and placing them near their final locations.)  He also got the cement board down in both upstairs baths, ready for the tile guy.  There is a hodge podge of stuff going on in the foyer floor, since it used to be two separate rooms, including a bathtub, so it took a little figuring for how to address the cement board there, so he also got that figure out.  The gutters were also installed this week, front and back
Laundry, Rod's room, Norah's room and linen closet
I've lost track of what the plan for this week is, but I am assuming it will entail prepping the foyer floor, maybe the arrival of the tile guy.  We're also expecting to see the hardwood for upstairs arrive to sit around for a week and get acclimatized. 

And Norah starts school tomorrow!