Monday, September 9, 2013

Norah News: 2 Wheel Biker Chick!

As I've written before, both kids have been doing great riding their bikes!  Norah's had her training wheels offset all summer, and I've been telling her that when she can ride without making any noise (when she leans on the wheels, they make a lot of noise)  she's ready to ride without them.  I didn't think too much about it. 
On our usual bike route there are a couple of small sections of unpaved road, or as the kids like to call them, bumpy parts.  I've tried to tell them that bumpy parts are the most fun, to no avail.  Most times, the bumpy parts are met with significant drama from both kids.  The other night, an overtired Norah was "afraid to do it, she might fall" while Roddie ditched his bike at the corner and ran home.  Good times.  I ended up giving Norah a talk about not being afraid to try, and falling is ok, you just get up and try again.  Then I guided her over the bumpy part and away we went.  She was pleased, but didn't say too much about it at the time.
Then, Sunday, we took our bike ride and Norah looked at me and said "I want to try the bumpy part" - and she did, really well.  She was positively glowing, and she said, "Mom, you were right, the bumpy parts are FUN!"  She hit all the rest of the bumpy parts, some of them a couple of times, through out the ride.  Later that day, the two of them were having a ball riding around the front yard, which is a bit beaten down from the construction guys.
Tonight, I had every intention of getting them to bed early - they are overtired and it shows!  But it was a nice night and they begged to go outside the minute dinner was over - so off they went to their bikes in the driveway while I wiped up the dishes. 
Just as I was wrapping up, Norah came in and asked me to take her training wheels off.  I was a bit surprised, but rolled with it.  She went straight out to the street and gave it a try - it didn't go that well, but I said, "good fall Norah, that's the way we do it"  I then encouraged her to try on the front lawn, and, let's just say - she nailed it!  I was so happy for her.  We did it a bunch more times, and she exclaimed, "I am going to be a bike champion when I grow up!"
Indeed Norah, you are a champion!  
Norah's artwork from today
Then, at bedtime I took a look in her backpack and found this, from today.  The thing she likes?  Her bike, and that's a seat for Roddie on the back!

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