Sunday, November 29, 2009

Norah HGTV: Socket Wrench

Norah is really coming along in her HGTV training. In these videos, she is helping Matt take apart the patio furniture to store it for winter. Someone asked me this weekend whether Norah was tending to be a girly-girl or more of a Tomboy, and I think the answer is "both". She loves worms and bugs, but is also pretty choosy about her shoes and her hair pretties. Today, she insisted on keeping her dress on after church, but her tights are covered in mud. Also, just after I cut this video, she went uncovered her play credit card and went over to her play cash register... "Credit Approved"


  1. It scares me that a toddler uses tools better than me...

  2. hee hee, Matt can give you lessons too if you want :)
