Monday, June 28, 2010


Saturday morning, all three of us went grocery shopping. It was a busy week and we were all feeling a little ragged, but, well, a girl's gotta eat!

We did our usual routine, where Matt headed to the deli, while I puttered thru the nearby aisles, grabbing this and that - though I left Norah and the cart with him. When I returned with an armload of whatever it was, I noticed to women looking at me and talking (ok, maybe I was being paranoid, but it seemed they were talking ABOUT me)

After I put my things in the cart, the younger of the two ladies (apparently the daughter of the other) asked me if I was due THAT DAY, because she had been telling her mom that my baby looked like it had moved into position already and was ready to DROP! Apparently she is a nurse and went so far as to ask if my doctors got my due date wrong!

Now, while this was mildly inappropriate, we had a good laugh about it, as it led some credibility to my feelings that I look (and feel!) 9 months pregnant already. It's gonna be a long summer!

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