Sunday, January 15, 2012

New Years News

The New Year started off with a bang!  As happens, the shine has worn off a little already, but things started out really, really well!  I wish I had found time to blog that first week, because I was literally smiling from ear to ear! The first big news, which you probably already know if you know me in real life, is that I started a new job!  My old job had a lot of nice perks, like the location and the ability to work at home as much as I could stand, decent pay and boatloads of vacation - but it came at a price.  The company has been constantly trimming staff for as long as I"ve been there, and I was growing increasingly unsatisfied with the position I held.  I looked around internally for a few months and had some coaching and mentoring conversations with several VP's, but I just couldn't see a place I wanted to be at that company. 

On a totally unrelated note, I got a second query from a company that I had heard from earlier in the year.  The initial call came weeks after I had returned from my extended maternity leave and while tempting, it just wasn't a good time to change jobs!  By the time the second call came, I was really starting to feel miserable and somewhat trapped at my old job and jumped at the chance to pursue something else.  The interview process took a couple of months, but I landed the job!  Mid-way through the process I realized how miserable I really was and how it was affecting me, and by extension, Matt and the kids, and that allowed me to fully embrace the possibility of change.  I began job hunting in earnest while the interview process continued, further solidifying my decision.

So, I started a new job, at a company that is hiring, and not firing!  As I near 40, I am no longer the youngest person in the room, in fact, I have a fair bit more experience than many of the employees at the new company.  I'm working in Product Management for Hardware again, which I think is a good fit for me - bringing together things I"ve done, and liked, throughout my career.  The company is growing and changing so fast that there are plenty of opportunities for me. 

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