Honestly, I've lost track of the exact day, although I can tell you for certain we're rounding the corner of week 15. It was a busy day here on the compound, with Tim on site working on the stairs, Russ came by to prep for refinishing the floors downstairs and the neighbor Jim and his wife (whose name I NEVER remember) stopping by and seemingly interested in the camper, and Matt, Norah, Roddie and I working on the front walk.
The front walk was a bit of a bone of contention between Matt and I... I've always felt the back walk, that we put in when Norah was a baby, was too narrow. The architect in Matt is leery of a walk out of scale with the house. We managed to come to a compromise and laid it out first thing this morning. We ended up deciding to keep the flagstone that had been at both the front and back walks when we bought the house. Honestly, I don't love it, but the pavers I prefer aren't readily available this time of year, and honestly, the price works for us right now. Laying the stone involves diggin gup the grass, laying sand (that needed to be harvested from the backyard), then stone dust (that was delivered this morning) and then I suppose we'll lay stones tomorrow.
The kids and I took off to run some errands around 11, including picking up the mattress for Roddie's BIG BOY bed, only to return to join the hard labor. This had the added benefit (again) of ensuring an easy bedtime for the kids. Both kids were great, again today. They both really got into the spirit of helping, using their mini-shovels and wheel barrows to contribute.
The day reminded me of a project we did shortly after my grandparents moved to Antigonish in their retirement. I think we hauled and spread most or all of the gravel in their back driveway. All I remember clearly is going with my dad to a semi abandoned gravel put, filling up the little trailer Papa had, and spreading the stuff back at the house. I doubt we were all that helpful when it comes right down to it, but like our kids today, I do recall feeling proud and happy that I was a part of this important work.
Spreading out the stone dust - why use a rake? |
Roddie seems happy to be part of the fun |
Norah is also happy to be helping. |
I was giving the kids tubbies by then, but this was the fruit of today's labour |
Come on in! |
Matt and the kids picking up and getting ready for the floor team tomorrow (yes Sunday!) morning. |