Monday, September 15, 2014

Roddie Report: You're Finally 4!

Roddie, I can’t believe you’re actually 4 years old! In part because the time has flown by since the summer of 2010 when I was so, so very pregnant with you… it was a long summer for me with heat waves and all, but your arrival was worth it all in the end.  Do you know, we almost did the house addition that summer?   We must have been crazy to consider it, and in many ways I am glad we didn’t do it until later.  I think part of why you and your sister are so close is that you shared a room for the first 3 years of your life! The bigger reason I can’t believe you’re 4 is because in my mind, you’ve been 4 for months already.

As an oldest, I always figured, that if I had two kids, that there was no way that I’d treat the older and the younger the same.  Well, buddy, I’m here to tell you, sometimes you just can’t help it.  Sometimes this isn’t the best thing, for you, as I expect too much, and Norah, when I don’t give her enough freedom.  Dad and I are working on this, so be patient with us, and rest assured you will NOT drive a car at 14 just because your sister is.

You’re a mama’s boy right now, and I love it.  I know that someday soon you’re going to outgrow it, and prefer smelly boy stuff over your mom, so for now I cherish each and every kiss and snuggle.  It happened with Norah (around age 4 in fact), and it will  happen to you.  You are a sweet, cuddly boy, generous with your hugs.  Don’t tell Dad, but I look forward to your visit every morning for a snuggle before I get up.  You’re a smart kid, you never show up too early.

Mamas boy or not, a boy needs his Dad, and I see you light up when you and Dad get to do guy stuff together – not runs to the “po, but fishing, or T-Ball, tossing a football or catching a wave.  I can do these things with you, but I was never the athlete Dad was and it really doesn’t seem to hold the same shine.  Buddy, just so you know, that’s just fine with me, I’ll be there cheering you on no matter what you’re playing. 

It freaks me out to think that you’re starting school soon. I feel like I spent more time on readiness with Norah, but then I remember, you just turned 4!  You know all your letters and their sounds, you’re doing great with counting, you know the days of the week, all your colors and you’re able to understand and remember the plots of all your favorite stories – including some long ones I would never have read to Norah.  You see buddy, that’s the up side of being the second in line, sometimes when you get pushed a little, you rise to the occasion!

You like all things fast – the obvious things, like cars and planes, but also fast flip flops and shorts.  I am not totally clear on how you define such things as fast or not, but it’s clear to you.  I guess you’re just a fast guy!
You do a great job at keeping up with the big kids.  I don’t know if you’ll remember this when you’re older, but there are a lot of kids Norah’s age in the neighborhood, but not so many your age – at least not that we know yet.  Don’t worry though, I’m on the lookout for pals for you, and I am certain that we’ll find them when you start school next year.  Plus, the big kids won’t seem so much bigger as the years go by.  And, they’re mostly girls, so I am guessing that you’re going to go to a lot of proms.

You love music, especially your guitar.  When you’re a little older, we’ll start you on some music lessons.  This is important, because we have something called the “Family Jam Band”, and I’ve been pretty lacking in my contributions.  I hope you can make up for meJ 

You’re a little anxious at times, and I worry about that.  I hope that you’ll outgrow it, at least a little.  There is so much life to live that I would hate to see you miss out.  Dad and I are doing our best to build you up and give you the confidence you need.  See, this ins one of those times I forget you are only 4.  I think this is one reason why you have a few close pals and are not the social butterfly your sister is.  That’s ok buddy, quality over quantity when it comes to friends. 

We’re going to give hockey a try this year.  We’ll see how you like it, you’ve shown a consistent interest in hockey, or at least the idea of it since you were pretty young.  I am sure it was re-enforced by Papa, when he gave you those hockey sticks a few years ago.  You see, you and Papa seemed to have a special bond since you were very young.  Maybe because he waited almost 40 years for a boy in the family.  Anyway, that could all change soon, you have 2 more cousins on the way!

So Roddie, these are the things I want to remember about you when you turned 4.  I hope you forever remain my sweet loving boy, and it’s ok with me if you also move on to smelly boy stuff too.

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