Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Norah News: Mama Drama

It seems wee Norah is a little advanced for her age!

"Great News!" you must be thinking. Not so much. It seems that I have a teenager trapped in a teeny little 1 year old body! Now Norah has been a drama queen since early on, she had one cry when something was actually wrong, and one for, let's say, 'dramatic effect'. Even back then I was on to her, and thought, "oh boy, the teenaged years are going to be FUN!" I just didn't expect them until at least 2018!

Norah has taken to having temper tantrums - yes, at not quite one year old, she will lay on her stomach, kicking her feet and crying. Makes a mother proud. Really. The first few times, I didn't really know what I was looking at, but as she keeps attempting this type of behavior, it's clear to me that I need to figure out how to deal with it. I spoke with one of her daycare teachers about it today, and she felt that a lot of kids go through a phase like this, though not many while they are still in the infant room, mostly in the toddler rooms (see, told you she was advanced)

One of her favorite times to pull this trick is when it's time for me to leave her at daycare, which drives me bananas! Once I leave the room, she is nothing but smiles and giggles (yes, I peek in the window on the way out!) and she also seems to hate to leave! All it really does is ensure I feel really guilty when I am leaving. It turns out that this has a name: Mama Drama, and it is like Krptonite to a Supermom. Good to know I am not alone.

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