Monday, June 8, 2009

Speaking of the Great Outdoors...

Norah and I took a long walk on Saturday, and when I say Norah and I walked, I mean we walked - no stroller, no backpack - just me, my daughter and the open trail... it was awesome! The weather was perfect, sunny and not too hot. The trail was awesome, flat'ish, wide, and we barely saw another soul.

I often take Norah out for a walk in the woods on the weekend, when Matt is building or fixing or mowing or whatever. But this weekend, I thought I'd see how Norah did on her own, without any kind of carrying device. She did not disappoint! We walked the full half a mile (yes, HALF A MILE!) in about 45 minutes. Norah walked twice as a far as I did, as she was looking at rocks and twigs and birds and so on, but she didn't ask to be picked up until we were within sight of the end of the trail. Needless to say, I was proud and impressed - you go Norah!
I do have a short video, but it's on the crackberry, and I'm not sure how to get it off yet - here's a picture to tide you over!

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