Thursday, August 14, 2008

Necessity: The Mother of Invention

The sun came out yesterday for the first time in about a month... well, it might not have been a full month, but it sure felt like it! The last time the sun came out, I wasn't back to work full time yet, and Norah and I still had time to go for walks up to the store to visit "Uncle Dave" Now that she is in daycare, and I am back to work full time, the days and weeks seem so much shorter, with everything we need to do for and with her in the evenings, it seems impossible to get out for more than a stroll around the yard!

Since I've become a mother, I've learned that you really need to 'think outside the box' in order to get things done... I am sure it was a mother who came up with those packs that let you keep your hands free while still carrying the baby for instance. So yesterday my dilemma was how to get some fresh air, pick up Norah, feed her (Nurse plus her nightly cereal and fruit), bathe her, see & play with her, get supper, and -- dare I dream, get a little exercise?? And silly me, I encouraged Matt to work on the shed last night... what's a mom to do??

Well, I am here to tell you I did it all! And laundry to boot! I feel like Super Mom!

As luck would have it, I worked from home yesterday, allowing me to pop a load of clothes in from time to time, and also cook some potatoes for salad to accompany the ham in the fridge (thinking ahead played a role in my success here!) I had dropped Norah off a bit early to be home in time to join a conference call, so in turn, I quit a little early, and power-walked the empty stroller over to daycare. I nursed her there, and then we were off! Since she had her carrier at daycare, I clicked that on the stroller - meaning she was facing me on the walk home - so I sang to her, she babbled away the whole way home. We got home and had some cereal and peaches, which in turn necessitated a bath (no skipping the bath this night!), a little quiet time reading books, and off to bed!


I know I won't feel like Super Mom every day, but every once in a while sure is nice!

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