Friday, August 8, 2008

So Sad to See Sue Surcease

I'm sure you're wondering what Surcease means! Well according to Rogets II: The New Thesaurus, it is a phrasal verb, meaning "to come to a cessation" and it's a synonym for "stop" or "leave". Next you may be wondering who is Sue and why is she leaving?

Well, not to disappoint, it does have to to with Norah.

Sue is Norah's Godmother, and we have been very fortunate to have had her staying with Norah during the day while I have been back to work for the past 9 weeks. When I called Sue back in January with a 'business proposition", I had no idea how much more than a business proposition it was! As with most things related to Norah, it's all new to us, from the feedings to the feelings, and everything in between.

Even though Sue started out without much baby experience (she had more than we did!!) I wasn't a bit concerned. I knew things were going well when I got home the first day. Norah smiled and came to me right away, but then sat in my arms, grinning her drooly grin back at Sue. What more could a mother want!

I've been extremely lucky to have had a gradual return to work, and even more lucky to have a good friend by my side... helping me as much as Norah (though our daily touch base chat often made it hard for me to get out the door on time!) As Norah heads to daycare on Monday, I know she'll be ready, but I am too.

So, Sue's not really leaving, she's just moving on to enjoy the rest of her summer vacation before she returns to her "other" job as a schoolteacher. I don't know if Sue realized that she was going to have such an active role on this journey with us, but I hope she's enjoyed the ride! We have! Thanks Sue!

So why did I choose Surcease? No real reason, just a fun word.

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