Wednesday, August 6, 2008

What? It's not about Norah?

As much as I'm sure you were expecting my first "real" post to be about Norah, it's not. It's about marriage. Why marriage you may ask? Well, my sister Susan is getting married a month from today for one. (That's her and JM in the picture on the right - looking forward to going to the wedding!!) Matt's parents recently celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary for another. But I think the real reason is that Nanny Mary, who I've always felt very connected to, passed away recently. I am honored that she left me her wedding rings, which I have been wearing for the past month. Consequently, I have been thinking of her, and them, often.

Maybe I am naive, but I've always felt that my grandparents had a special relationship. While it's true that Papa Roddie was a bit of a flirt and had a way of making everyone feel like they were special, there was something about the way he looked at my grandmother that made it clear that she was the most special of all. Even though she outlived him by 7 years, there was a definite sadness that settled over her after his passing.

They were married for 60 years when he passed away, and I can recall a visit to Antigonish when he was not doing well, and hadn't really waken or responded much in a day or two. I took Nanny over for a visit to see him, as I often did when passing through at that time, and we went into a small room near the nurses station where they had moved him. The nurses warned us that he wasn't doing well. When we walked into the room, and he heard her voice, he rolled over and looked at her with such love in his eyes it brings me to tears just thinking about it. If I didn't know before, I knew then -- that's what I want!

Matt and I were married in the same church as my grandparents; them in 1941, us 65 years later, in 2006. I think I'm really lucky to have found him, and more than that, found him at the right time for both of us. He looks at me with love in his eyes, even when I'm feeling post-pregnant-pudgy (especially when I'm feeling post-pregnant pudgy!) I know we're still newlyweds by many measures, but we've grown so much together already, that I am excited to see what the future brings for us! I know for certain it will be filled with challenges, but also with much love.

We've both been fortunate to have several generations of strong marriages setting the example for us to follow. As my sisters and other good friends in my life move forward with their significant others, I pray that they will all get to feel the love that my grandparents so obviously had for each other, and to demonstrate it and pass it on to their own future generations.
More about Norah next time, I promise!

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