Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Norah News: What she's doing now

  • Climbing: on to her rocking chair, on top of the Leapfrog table at daycare, on top of her bin of books in the living room. My personal favorite happened this morning. She was trying to scale the walls of her playpen!
  • Eating with a spoon - or at least attempting to. She doesn't always quite hit the mark, but she's trying. Most times I'll scoop up the food and hand her the spoon (or fork!) but she's increasingly attempting to scoop on her own also.
  • Laughing like crazy! Her voice, or at least how she uses it, is changing, so her little giggle is more of a belly laugh sometimes now
  • Wearing big girl shoes. Now that she is a walking fool, she wears 'real' shoes instead of the slipper like Robeez she has been wearing to date. Depending on the shoes, and how they fit, she is not quite as strong as she is with the Robeez. but coming along fast!
  • Help with getting her coat on. Yesterday when I picked her up, I said, "Norah, come help Mom put your coat on" She came over, and put her arm in the (wrong) sleeve! Mind you, she took off again as soon as I zipped her up, but still!
  • Walking to the front door. On her birthday, Norah walked the entire length of the walk, holding both our hands, but leading us nonetheless. It was so sweet I almost cried. Really.
  • Hoarding things. Pens, shoes, toothbrushes, tampons... it doesn't matter as long as it came from a drawer she wasn't supposed to be in. She'll tuck it under her arm like a football and take off laughing.
  • "Saying" a few words. She's been doing "Hi Dad" for a while, but now she says "Dadddeeee Daddeeee!" She also says "Uh Oh" when she tosses something from her highchair, and has been known to mimic "The End" at the end of a story, "Luv You" in response to same, and, as reported by daycare, "All Done" Most of these aren't very clear yet, but again, it's new!
  • Dancing to the Beat. She's long been a bee-bopper, but now she uses the Bee Shaker and other instruments to bop along to her favorite songs. She also gets all kinds of excited when she knows our nightly dance time is coming up.
  • Blowing bubbles. Last week I was giving her a bath and put her on her hands and knees to clean her nether regions. For some reason, she put her face in the water and started blowing bubbles. For the rest of the bath it was all I could do to keep her head above water, so to speak!
  • Rejecting Her Broccoli. I started giving her meals in a bowl, last night it was pasta, meatballs and some leftover broccoli. I stepped away to get her some milk, and when I came back, the broccoli was out of the bowl and on her tray. In her defense, it was a little crunchy.

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