Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Choose your Battles: Flip Flops?

It seems that now, since the temperature has dropped below freezing in the mornings and the leaves have begun to fall, Norah is totally into flip flops. Yup, those sandals with the thing between her toes. Having been a teen aged girl at some point in the past myself, I expected this at some point in my future, but honestly, not this decade...

This morning was a bit of a challenge - I had a meeting at 9:00 and planned to work at home today to test out some of our meeting tools I'll be using in the coming weeks. As a result, I also took a few extra minutes of ZZZ's instead of jumping in the shower. As I went about the rest of my morning routine, no sound from the room at the end of the hall. At 7:15 I poked my head in to see if Norah would stir, as she often does, but she was peacefully snoring away, and she's been a little off this week, maybe fighting something?... so I left her. I fired up my good friend the laptop and was working away until she piped up around 8:00. Did I tell you I had a meeting at 9:00?

So perhaps I brought this extra bit of stress on myself, but I had an hour to get her ready, fed and over to daycare, and get back here myself. Good thing we live close! Things were going as well as could be expected, and we were almost ready to go when she pulled her typical trick of taking her shoes off... the funny part was that she grabbed a pair of her flip flops that happened to be on the coffee table (never mind why...) and proceeded to try to put them on over her socks. If there is any doubt that this kid has Engineer tendencies, this ought to be proof! Anyway no amount of convincing or cajoling could get her to change her shoes, so I cut my losses, and took her to daycare with her flip-flops on. One has to choose their battles, after all.

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