Monday, January 4, 2010

Toddler Games

Norah has reached that stage in her development where she's really testing the limits. Sometimes this results in the typical toddler tantrum, but sometimes it results in in some pretty funny stories. Here are a couple
- Yesterday, I was guiding Norah thru the morning potty/jammie change and got as far as getting her down to her diaper. She took off laughing, and I found her, without her diaper, hiding under the kitchen table
- Also yesterday, she came prancing into the living room in nothing but a diaper and her flip flops - apparently she caught sight of them while Matt was getting her ready for the bath...
- Saturday night, we were at the neighbours for dinner, and as the adults were all finishing up, Norah decided to drop her pants and say "I pee" She didn't of course, but it was good for a laugh
- After an early and short nap yesterday, I tried to coax her into another one with a snuggle with Mommy in the big bed... well, she snuggled alright, but then started playing with her lips, you know, that thing you do when you're bored...

This is just a small sampling from the last 48 hours!

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