Monday, March 22, 2010

All the News that's fit to Print!

There’s lots of good news in my family these days, specifically, with my sisters! I’ve known both tidbits for a while now, but it wasn’t really my news to share until recently!

First of all, Norah’s not only getting a new brother, she’s also getting a new cousin! The first cousin on my side of the family in fact! My sister Susan and her husband Joseph Michael are expecting their first child about a month after “Brudder” arrives. (We’ve been telling Norah that the baby is a boy, and when I asked what she wanted to call him, she said “Brudder”, so Brudder he is, at least for the time being) Anyway, so far so good with her pregnancy… she’s busy researching this and that, and staying on top of all things as usual, and I’m happy to, for once in my life (or so it seems) be able to offer a little advice once in a while… especially when things were still on the QT. As much as I wished my family were closer when Norah was born, I'm really feeling it now…

Speaking of family being closer, Erin and her other half, Eric, are moving back to the East Coast! I think I speak for everyone when I say we couldn’t be happier! They had been working towards this goal for some time now and things really started to come together in the past month or so. Eric has already started with his new job in Nova Scotia, and Erin is busy wrapping things up back in Calgary and hopes to join him by the end of the month. My Dad, being the man of leisure that he is this time of year, is en route to Alberta right now to join Erin on a cross country road trip! I must say, I wish I could join them! They claim to have only a vague plan, but if I know Erin, there’s a little more structure involved than that… In any case, we’re hoping they decide to swing south and stop into see us… we’ll see!

This is the second time my Dad’s been able to spend some extended solo time with one of us, as adults. When I was on my maternity leave with Norah, mom was working, and Dad was chomping at the bit to see his first grandchild, so I suggested he come down to hang with Norah and I… he did, for about 10 days! We lucked out with unseasonably warm weather and spent a good portion of the time hanging out on the deck. I learned a few parenting tricks from him in the process, and he had bragging rights on snuggle time with Norah, at least until he returned with Mom in tow a few months later! In any case, I look forward to hearing their tales from the road, and look forward to having Erin only one timezone away!

And if anyone out there has need for a Mechanical Engineer/Project Manager in the HRM, have I got a lead for you!

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