Wednesday, July 21, 2010

To all those participating in Brudder's Pool

For those of you who've joined the fun on the Baby Pool (still time -->>>) I thought I'd give you some updates that may affect your votes...
  • As of last week (34 weeks) my Bellay was measuring at 39 weeks - yikes!
  • This week (35 weeks) I had another ultrasound to get a handle on how much of that is baby and how much is amniotic fluid - turns out a bit of each - Brudder is measuring 7lb 11 oz (bigger than Norah when she arrived, and average for 37 weeks) and looks to have long limbs.
  • I started having contractions last week. I was pretty sick, and spent nearly a week in bed, but in the process had the first of several 'non stress tests' to monitor Brudder's heart rate (still good!) and my contractions, if any (there were, not that I felt them last week)
  • This week, I was having frequent contractions, to the point that we headed off to the hospital last night. They were indeed frequent, but not strong enough to start things really rolling - I am 1.5 cm dilated and about 80% effaced. For those of you not in the know, I need to get to 10 cm and 100%. With Norah I was at about 3-4cm and 80% when we got to the hospital, and my water had broken, but she still took her sweet time arriving (I stalled around 6 cm) They sent me home and told me to come back when the contractions hurt so much I couldn't walk or talk.

So all of that to say, it could be days, it could be weeks, but odds are, he won't be late! In fact, due to his size, we will assess at 39 weeks whether or not to induce, depending on how he and I are doing otherwise. I am working from home for the duration, and thankful to have that option available to me. He's still kicking away in there and I am still having contractions, but so far, nothing more intense than yesterday. While I am most certainly ready to not be pregnant any more, I'm ready to take one for the team and hang on to Brudder for another few weeks - his lungs could still use a little more cook-time in Mommy's Bellay, so keep your fingers crossed!

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