Monday, December 13, 2010

Travel Log Part 2: Visit to Hartleigh

As promised, here's the scoop on the second half of our trip - and the real reason for the trip at all!

Where is Hartleigh, you might ask? You SHOULD be asking WHO is Hartleigh! She's my new niece, and she lives in Toronto with her Mommy, my sister Susan and her Daddy JM. Here's a picture of the proud Papa and his little girl
Sad to say I really didn't get that many good pictures while we were there. However, there were a few keepers! Here's one of my sister, the proverbial Susie Home-maker - at least looking so in this outfit! I include this one because it shows what a great hostess Susan is - even with a 7 week old baby who is nursing non-stop, and a house full of people, she managed to pull off an excellent turkey dinner for us - since we were missing Thanksgiving here in the US - Thanks Sue!
On the second day of our visit, we went to the Ontario Science Center - it was a great outing! The weather really wasn't conducive to taking the little ones outside, so it was great to get out and run around a little. They have a "Kids Park" that was perfect for Norah (OK, and me too!) and lots of things for us all to take a look at. Here's a picture of Norah and Papa rocking out in one of the activities.
My Dad seems to have a certain way with Roddie - maybe it's a guy thing, finally, after raising three daughters! Maybe it's a shared name thing, I don't know, but it's true! Here's a cute picture of the two of them togetherNanny and Papa both were in their glory with the new babies around. Norah still got plenty of attention, but the real stars of the show where the two littlest ones! Here's Nanny loving life with Roddie and Hartleigh all to herself!
This last one I think sums it all up. It was nice to see Susan and JM and see them flourishing as parents. It was nice for Nanny and Papa to see all of us and to all spend time together, but really, when it comes right down to it, this is what it was all about! As Norah would say, "Love YA, Nanny and Papa!" XOXOX

1 comment:

  1. Isn't it nice to see your parents " tranformed " by being grandparents. My parents loved family life but I think being grandparents suits them so well. They practically swoon when they talk about my sisters kids.

    Nice to see your folks are enjoying being grandparents as well.

