Friday, February 4, 2011

Snow, Yeah, we have snow

As we grow weary - very weary - of the snow, I thought it might be useful to document and share exactly HOW much snow we have around here.  As I drove the kids to school the other day, I was struck by the sight of mailboxes as I drove out of our little neighbourhood.  I think these first couple of pictures give a pretty good idea of what we're up against here.
Perhaps we should use these for storing beer instead of mail?

Another useful measure is a kid - in this case Norah!  She is over 3 feet high, and as you can see, we're getting to the point that we're going to lose her in the snow!  I actually had Matt widen the walkway to the backdoor as the snow was so high I had to carry Roddie's carrier with two hands in front of me to clear the snow!
Cars and fences are two other useful measuring sticks... as you may know, our Durango is a very tall truck, though it's dwarfed by the snowbanks.  The fence that you can see behind the truck is 6 feet high and at some points totally buried by the snowbanks - admittedly this is where the snow has been tossed by the snowblower, but still - 6 feet!
Lastly, what would a snow update be without a picture of Sled Mountain - with the house in behind for perspective.  It gets a little bigger each week/snowstorm and Matt claims he has stopped "trying" to make it bigger.  While this is true, it does keep growing, because again, there is no where left to throw the snow!  What started as a playful project has turned into a necessary neighbourhood attraction!

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