Thursday, October 20, 2011

Adventure Chronicles: Apple Festival

We were looking for some outdoor family activity to do this past weekend and a friend of Matt's told him about an Apple Festival at a local ski hill.  Turns out it was half fall festival, half German Ocktoberfest, totoally kid focused and very busy!  They had everything from super slides,bouncey houses, and pony rides for the kids, to ski lift rides, to a beer tent with a buffet of German food and a traditional band.  Adding to the excitement was the fact that the weather was - hot and sunny one minute, really cold and rainy the next, and everything in between!  As a result we were constantly putting hats and vests on and off.  In the end, we had a good time... we even saw a Bengal Tiger demonstration!
Here's Norah, not quite convinced there is nothing down there..

Norah having a go at the pony rides.  Rod wasn't up for the challenge this time around

Norah looking thoughfully down at the beer tent?  after the cole and rain blew through and we went back outside

Norah and Roddie cutting a rug while the band plays

Roddie making a grab for Mom's beer - typical!

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